+Armour or +HP?


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Hired Killers [HK]


Simple question really to do with the maths and mechanics of the game.

I seem to remember a while ago ingame some people were debating whether +5 armour mods were as good as or better than +30hp mods. I didn't actually stick around though to see the conclusion (I doubt there was one tbh) as I went off to do a mission.

My question: Would I gain more benefit from equipping my new sword with a +5 armour mod rather than a +30hp mod?

I'm guessing, looking at the price differences, that +30hp is better or is it just that people don't realise that +5 armour is as good as and therefore can sell their 'perfect' weapons for more with the +30hp?

If there is already a thread relating to this then I apologise but my forum search turned up no results.

Many thanks.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006




i guess it depends on the situation, if you are fighting degen teams, its smart to have HP bonus, but if you are fighting dmg dealing enemies(except armor ignoring dmg dealers) its handy to have +5 armor


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Centurion Guard


VS SPIKE and DEGEN = +health

VS PRESSURE (non-degen variety) = +armor


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



for PvE I would choose the +5 universal armor over the health mod. but PvP I agree with mathijn+asrial. one consideration is price. Ive seen +30pommels selling for well over 100k as where the +5 armor sells for 2-3k. I only play PvE, my warrior uses 3 swords. all have armor pommels on them, +5,+5,and a +7 vs Elemental. getting a shield with a health bonus(all the time) is a nice way to have both(although some shields are way overpriced, *cough victos bulwark *cough).


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Hired Killers [HK]


Thanks guys that helps alot. I have a 'perfect' Flamberge with +30hp on it but I'm turning into a tight old git with my gold these days and refuse to pay the high prices for another one to put on my Wingblade so will look to pay 2k for a +5 armour pommel for it giving me the best of both worlds.
As you mentioned the Victo's Bulwark I have one of them so I get the '+hp always' from that so, again, I get the best of both worlds.

Thanks again.