Dissapointed in new face artwork
We can't see the whole game by a long shot at the moment. We're confined to a very small part of Factions as a whole at the moment. It's reasonable to think that there's going to be a lot more there when it's *released*.
The current content is greatly scoped down, and another thing to keep in mind is the nature of something like GW. I'd guess the game as it will ship on CD is done (takes time to get out to printers ect ect after RTM and then all boxed up and shipped to stores). However, the content is always changing. Just last month, the character creation was different then it was last week. I've seen screenshots of how it USED to look, and it's completely different than that, too. With a project where developers can constantly make changes and update a game daily, you never know what you're going to get. Candy canes? Pumpkin heads? That stuff cropped up overnight! Just think of all the other stuff that could get added, even this *weekend* for all we know.
Not saying that complaining is bad, of course; constructive feedback would probably be useful to Anet anyway, and there's *nothing* wrong with having an opinion!
The point is that it's an evolving beast, and what you see isn't always what you get in this case. And me, I'm thinking if it looks this great NOW, just think about how much better it's going to be when we get the whole shebang.
The current content is greatly scoped down, and another thing to keep in mind is the nature of something like GW. I'd guess the game as it will ship on CD is done (takes time to get out to printers ect ect after RTM and then all boxed up and shipped to stores). However, the content is always changing. Just last month, the character creation was different then it was last week. I've seen screenshots of how it USED to look, and it's completely different than that, too. With a project where developers can constantly make changes and update a game daily, you never know what you're going to get. Candy canes? Pumpkin heads? That stuff cropped up overnight! Just think of all the other stuff that could get added, even this *weekend* for all we know.
Not saying that complaining is bad, of course; constructive feedback would probably be useful to Anet anyway, and there's *nothing* wrong with having an opinion!
The point is that it's an evolving beast, and what you see isn't always what you get in this case. And me, I'm thinking if it looks this great NOW, just think about how much better it's going to be when we get the whole shebang.
To be honest from the world preview event we had about a year ago and the launch of guildwars when it was gold, not THAT much changed in the faces. They took out the bearded ele because it gave problems with the cape thing they had (which has been replaced so that turned out to be quite silly). So if there's 1 month left to tinker around, I wouldn't expect that many changes, looking back and comparing it to how it went with prophecies. Nothing radical that changes the whole style of the looks in general which seems to be everyone's comlaint, anyway.
Myself, I think the hair models are great, but they're overused, because for example the female professions often have the same hairstyle which we didn't have in prophecies. The faces are okay looking, maybe a little too similar and lacking character. Too clean and emotionless. They don't need a 24/7 constipated face like Max Payne, but for example in prophecies you had better feelings you got from the faces. Mesmers looking arrogant, necro's looking mean, warriors looking brave, but here, the necros look like porcelain painted faces and all the others look blanc.
Myself, I think the hair models are great, but they're overused, because for example the female professions often have the same hairstyle which we didn't have in prophecies. The faces are okay looking, maybe a little too similar and lacking character. Too clean and emotionless. They don't need a 24/7 constipated face like Max Payne, but for example in prophecies you had better feelings you got from the faces. Mesmers looking arrogant, necro's looking mean, warriors looking brave, but here, the necros look like porcelain painted faces and all the others look blanc.
Just to give an idea of where I'm coming from rather than just general complaining, attached is a small sample of the faces from GW: P that I particularly like.
The top left one and the necro one are probably my favorites of all the faces, although they only look good under certain skin colors / hairstyles.
The top right one would be what I consider an asian-style face that's quite nice. I hate all the Chp 1 monk hairstyles tho.
And yes, the whole topic is superficial, but when I log on to GW and see my character portraits all lined up to greet me, if they're ugly then it makes me feel like playing less :P
Edit: On a positive note, I like most of the hairstyles in the Chp 2 preview.
The top left one and the necro one are probably my favorites of all the faces, although they only look good under certain skin colors / hairstyles.
The top right one would be what I consider an asian-style face that's quite nice. I hate all the Chp 1 monk hairstyles tho.
And yes, the whole topic is superficial, but when I log on to GW and see my character portraits all lined up to greet me, if they're ugly then it makes me feel like playing less :P
Edit: On a positive note, I like most of the hairstyles in the Chp 2 preview.
I think they all look freakin great.
Originally Posted by Kali Ma
Agreed. Go through and count the number of female faces across all the characters that have their mouths open the entire time... like what, that's supposed to give us a "sexy, pouty" look or something? Or are we supposed to assume that asians don't breathe through their noses? .... |
Perhaps if the dagger attacks don't work.. we can gnaw the opponent to death... *chomp chomp*
Or if you want a bottle of beer and don't have an opener handy...
Don't forget this is just beta testing, they can change stuff, added stuff. Heck we probley don't even have the full stuff that will be in the game yet. We will just have to wait till the games it out.
prodigy ming
I thought the new faces were overall awesome! espeically the new male monk faces and hair. THANK YOU ANET! male monks don't look like fags anymore. Only a little bit dissappointed at the new male warrior's faces... the female ones looks pretty good though.
Aside from faces.... the male assinan armor is looking VERY emo right now...
Aside from faces.... the male assinan armor is looking VERY emo right now...
Oblivion's Hell
What is really bad is that they shut the banks off. So any items or effort you spend on the new Factions campaign characters can't be saved. All the new Factions campaign characters you create this weekend for the Beta testing will be deleted. However, you can keep unlocks for PvP.
I actually like the way male Ritualists look, same with Assassins. Although Assassins need black as a hair color.
@Everyone: Theres still a month of developement, I'm pretty sure they'll add faces, but I don't think there will be a Tyria set.
@Everyone: Theres still a month of developement, I'm pretty sure they'll add faces, but I don't think there will be a Tyria set.
I do admit I haven't read the whole thread, but since it's 4:40 am, can anyone blame me? I just wanna go to bed.
If chars with ugly faces would make you cancel buying it, ugly faces aren't the biggest problem. I'd ask myself why the hell I ordered it in the first place.
Originally Posted by pgdeaner
I hope they address this before release. If not I may be cancelling my factions order and trying to find another game. The armor and clothing is better, but please make the charaters less cartoonish? If I wanted cartoon characters I'd play Warcraft.
prodigy ming
Originally Posted by Nevin
I actually like the way male Ritualists look, same with Assassins. Although Assassins need black as a hair color.
@Everyone: Theres still a month of developement, I'm pretty sure they'll add faces, but I don't think there will be a Tyria set. |
I like them myself but they are made to entice the Asian markets (vs NA/Europe) this time around.
I've skipped quite a few pages, so...bleh.
I'm Asian.
Originally Posted by crimsonfilms
Seems like people don't have a taste of Asian aesthetics beyond Anime and import car magazines.
The faces are excellent compared to some other games.
Originally Posted by Rieselle
Just to give an idea of where I'm coming from rather than just general complaining, attached is a small sample of the faces from GW: P that I particularly like.
The top left one and the necro one are probably my favorites of all the faces, although they only look good under certain skin colors / hairstyles. The top right one would be what I consider an asian-style face that's quite nice. I hate all the Chp 1 monk hairstyles tho. And yes, the whole topic is superficial, but when I log on to GW and see my character portraits all lined up to greet me, if they're ugly then it makes me feel like playing less :P H Edit: On a positive note, I like most of the hairstyles in the Chp 2 preview. |
Haha those are almost the exact faces I use, for Necro, Ele (love that one looks purdy) and the monk one. All look great. While most of the new hairstyles aren't quite so bad, the warrior hairstyles are just boring and suck.
I noticed some of the face textures look somewhat streched and not as clean/crisp as some other models. It's quite obvious too. If the new faces still suck after release I'll still be bringing my characters through Tyria anyways so it won't matter, but thats still not a reason to leave em how they are. I do however suspect they will add more.
Originally Posted by Rieselle
Just to give an idea of where I'm coming from rather than just general complaining, attached is a small sample of the faces from GW: P that I particularly like.
The top left one and the necro one are probably my favorites of all the faces, although they only look good under certain skin colors / hairstyles. The top right one would be what I consider an asian-style face that's quite nice. I hate all the Chp 1 monk hairstyles tho. And yes, the whole topic is superficial, but when I log on to GW and see my character portraits all lined up to greet me, if they're ugly then it makes me feel like playing less :P Edit: And those who think the new faces look asian are obviously not asian themselves. At least for many of the female faces, they remind me of asian caricatures, the old days of the "slant-eyed devils". *sad panda* Edit: On a positive note, I like most of the hairstyles in the Chp 2 preview. |
Hmmm... so release has come, and as far as I can tell, no new faces :/
I've given up my plan on making a GW:F ele, and instead am taking the tortuous path of making a GW: P ele (with my favoritest face in the game) and leveling up in Chp 1 enough to survive in Cantha :/
(My kingdom to be able to a tyrian character in the Monastary for super quick levelling! Oh the humanity.)
Hmmm, perhaps I shall hold off a little on that to see if the situation changes in a month or two. I have made a passably non-fugly ritualist to keep me busy till then.