For the new skills that are added ot each existing class, I know that we can unlock them with faction, but will we be able to keep those skills after the weekend?
I know when the expansion hits live we will have all that we have unlocked, but, between when the beta weekend ends, and that point, say I unlock a new monk skill, will I be able to use that skill?
I realize that its quite possible no one will know, but if anyone has read anything or anyone has any inisght I would appreciate it!!!
Beta weekend and new skills
Mage Henchnem
My guess is "no."
Mage Henchnem
I was thinking that but it could be a huge advantage to be able to use them after the weekend, i would mostly be interested in the elites, but there are a few skills that look about the same. I dont remember the name but there are now basically 2 heal others. I dont see any advantage to having 2 of them with different names, same attributes, same heal amoiunt, same cast time and recharge, what would be the advantage other then being able to hit them both in rapid succession? I dont think that a 5 sec recharge is enough to warrant having 2 on your bar..
well, i'm going to say flat out "no". you are playing starting out with lvl 20 characters in forge-equivalent armor and its only a 24 hour beta with which to familiarize yourself with the game and its workings. i do love the new skills though, and i think that some beautiful new builds will come out of it. i can hardly take the anticipation. if you go to the skill trader, you can see about 20 other skills per proffession that you didn't already know. check them all out. they're nice.
Kool Pajamas
its 3 days, not 24 hours.
3 days? And here I was freaking out that I wouldn't have enough time to play it because I'd be at work all day. I thought it was a 24 hour thing. Ah well.
Mage Henchnem
so no one really knows for sure?
I know for sure! Just go read the preview event details on the homepage. OR read the ones that I have quoted off of below:
A Few More Details:
* For the Factions Preview Event, your newly-created characters will begin at Level 20.
* You will start out with 20 skills and will then speak to an NPC to select a secondary profession.
* Selecting a secondary profession will gain you an additional 20 skills.
* Your guild must choose a faction—Luxon or Kurzick.
* You can play four higher-level missions—two story missions and two competitive missions—appropriate for your Level-20 characters.
* You will be able to experience 15 quest areas.
* For all Factions roleplaying characters, certain game elements will be inaccessible. These include: guild halls, the Xunlai (storage) Agents, and Battles Isles. Ship travel to and from Cantha will also be disabled during the event. These game elements are locked down to help assure that unfinished or unbalanced items acquired during the event do not impact the game economy in the long term.
* Challenge missions and elite missions will not be available during the FPE.
* Item and skill unlocks earned by both your roleplaying and PvP characters during the FPE will remain on your account.
* After the event, all Factions roleplaying character inventories and levels will be reset in preparation for the launch of Factions.
A Few More Details:
* For the Factions Preview Event, your newly-created characters will begin at Level 20.
* You will start out with 20 skills and will then speak to an NPC to select a secondary profession.
* Selecting a secondary profession will gain you an additional 20 skills.
* Your guild must choose a faction—Luxon or Kurzick.
* You can play four higher-level missions—two story missions and two competitive missions—appropriate for your Level-20 characters.
* You will be able to experience 15 quest areas.
* For all Factions roleplaying characters, certain game elements will be inaccessible. These include: guild halls, the Xunlai (storage) Agents, and Battles Isles. Ship travel to and from Cantha will also be disabled during the event. These game elements are locked down to help assure that unfinished or unbalanced items acquired during the event do not impact the game economy in the long term.
* Challenge missions and elite missions will not be available during the FPE.
* Item and skill unlocks earned by both your roleplaying and PvP characters during the FPE will remain on your account.
* After the event, all Factions roleplaying character inventories and levels will be reset in preparation for the launch of Factions.
The way that I read that is that while yes you keep the skills and items unlocked, you still can't do anything with them until the official release of Factions. The main advantage is that if you spend some time unlocking now, you can have some PvP character skills ready to go as soon as the game is released and jump right in to the arenas.