Post your sexy Ritualist!
Karate Jesus
Updated shot of The Sending
It's Ancient armor with a Dread Mask, a Pronged Fan, and a Broadsword.
I like it
It's Ancient armor with a Dread Mask, a Pronged Fan, and a Broadsword.
I like it

master of spiriz
My ritualist
Mig Coconut
I was sort of bored waiting for someone to come online today so I decided to try and make some nice combos with armour parts that not a lot of people wear (Or just look bad with their own set)
Here's my one for the Deldrimor Skirt (This is the nicest I could get it to look). All dyed Silver

And I wanted a Vabbian/Elite Exotic one too because they look nice and are hardly worn

I wish there were more armor sets for me to buy... 13 just isnt enough.
Here's my one for the Deldrimor Skirt (This is the nicest I could get it to look). All dyed Silver

And I wanted a Vabbian/Elite Exotic one too because they look nice and are hardly worn

I wish there were more armor sets for me to buy... 13 just isnt enough.
Here is my Ritualist in what is probably my favourite of the Ritualist armour combinations:
Opulent Raiment
Scale Leggings
Asuran Shoes =)
Opulent Raiment
Scale Leggings
Asuran Shoes =)

Check This out

This is what all the female Ritualist armors look like dyed pink ^__^

Great time to start saving up for rit armors.
Luv em all except for exotic!
Luv em all except for exotic!
Got my rit dressed up for Halloween, was the first of my characters that I really like the lich outfit on.


My rit for now, am about to start EOTN on it soon to get Monument.
Hooray for poopy quality D:
Sinister caterpil...err... dragon mask
15k Imperial chest
15k Luxon skirt thingy
1.5k Kurzick bangles
1.5k Canthan shoes
Dyed Silver + Green
Well anyways... yeah :/
Norn armor ftw 

` Marshmallow

Yaay n_n!

My rit Edona : )
Luna The Eternal
IGN: My Soul To Keep
Here's my beloved ritualist. Click full view! 

Sam Kiener
My rit... Thinking of doing blue + green on the chaos gloves to match the Zhu..
Got my rit a set of norn armor, looks absolutely awesome with the shining blade hood. I'm loving this look. 

èlite imperial; èlite kurzick; norn; ancient
Diane Lethren
1K Luxon top
1K Shing jea leggings
both dyed black
I kinda like it, though it's not an elite armor..
Wants Elite Imperial...
1K Shing jea leggings
both dyed black

I kinda like it, though it's not an elite armor..
Wants Elite Imperial...

Finally realized to change resolution to match my screen,
much better quality!
God Of Phwoar

15k Kurz Chest & Legs with Norn - Head, Gloves, boots dyed brown.
What d'ya think?
God Of Phwoar
Originally Posted by fàtica

èlite imperial; èlite kurzick; norn; ancient
What wepskin is that in first pic?
My rit is green. Very very green 

ele kid
pink-ish is the new black!

older pic so my armor is different now but it works
Absolute Destiny
Apparently I hate every single Ritualist headgear in the game.
My girl looking badass during Ascension.
Beat the doppelganger in 6 seconds!

She's a Luxon, through a through.
I think the platinum wand is one of the coolest skins in the game.

There are few views in the game so breathtaking as that first step outside Shing Jea.
My girl looking badass during Ascension.
Beat the doppelganger in 6 seconds!

She's a Luxon, through a through.
I think the platinum wand is one of the coolest skins in the game.

There are few views in the game so breathtaking as that first step outside Shing Jea.


Got obsi for her

Originally Posted by God Of Phwoar

What wepskin is that in first pic?
Sorry for this too late response :P ( University's questions )
In the first picture, the Weapon of the èlite Kurzick armor it's the Primitive Staff dyed White ( Common EotN Skin )
In the first picture, the Weapon of the èlite Kurzick armor it's the Primitive Staff dyed White ( Common EotN Skin )
Edge Igneas
Originally Posted by Narcissia

I love when people make unusual and interesting combinations like this.
EDIT: Heres my rit,

Still need to work on the spear, and possibly make it all black too.
Rest is white but the mask is blue + blue + green + white or something like that.

Originally Posted by Deathless

Rest is white but the mask is blue + blue + green + white or something like that.

Originally Posted by God Of Phwoar

What wepskin is that in first pic?
I am pretty sure thats a Primitive Staff:
Here one of my ritualists (i have 2)... screenshot is a bit old (99.9% of my screenshots are still on my old pc).
Here one of my ritualists (i have 2)... screenshot is a bit old (99.9% of my screenshots are still on my old pc).