I've been trying to spend the faction on helping my guild gain standing with the Luxons. I have about 5200 Luxon faction and 5600 Kurzick faction. Tried speaking to the scribe in my guild hall and he said something like:"I have nothing to say to you if you are not a friend of the Luxon armada".
I'm assuming that he's the right NPC to speak to in order to spend faction. Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks.
Spending faction on guild standing
Are you sure your guild isn't already tied in with the Kurzick's?
At the top of your GUILD (G key ) screen it should say who your guild has aligned with - similarly I cannot spend Kurzick faction at the transfer agent, as my guild has chosen the turtle people of Luxon.
At the top of your GUILD (G key ) screen it should say who your guild has aligned with - similarly I cannot spend Kurzick faction at the transfer agent, as my guild has chosen the turtle people of Luxon.
I'm sure it says Luxon right on top. I was wondering if I have to do anything on the PvE side before it'd work.
you've got more kurzick then luxon faction points thats why. So technically ur alligned with the kurzicks
AND, you have to be the Guild Leader, then go to the respective faction's alliance registrar thingy...I'll check the name.
Originally Posted by TheYellowKid
you've got more kurzick then luxon faction points thats why. So technically ur alligned with the kurzicks
By the way if you have both Kurzick and Luxon points and donate points to your guild, you lose the same amount of Kurzick points if you donate 5000 to Luxon.