Help me can't find.
I'm in the Luxon campaign and I've finished the whirlpool quest, but I can't find the guy who gives me the reward. There may not be much people who can help seeing as I only ran into 2 people at the hatchery this morning, but later like at 5 or so there were like six.
Oblivion's Hell
I'm Luxon, but I haven't done any quests yet, because I know me female assassin is going to be deleted.
Oblivion's Hell
Wow, you on at 5 A.M. or 5 P.M.?
Oblivion's Hell
I've just been working on my level 20, and trying to get "Charge!"
Originally Posted by Oblivion's Hell
Wow, you on at 5 A.M. or 5 P.M.?