Quiters rating please!!
I would like to have a rating system that kept track of players who quit groups while in a mission or Arena's. This can be done fairly easily because they already have a message come up "this action will cause you to leave your current party". Also they can monitor the log-out options while grped in missions only takes a little code. By linking the rating this way it WONT affect those who do actually go linkdead because the ways the code is called to track is through the actions of the player and the player must accept they are leaving a grp while in a mission.
While I do hate the quiters... and I do! I think this would lead to greifing of players...
"Lvl20 Mo/R LFG"
"We like you... oh wait you have left missions 3 times... you suck... **** you n00b"
See where this is going?
"Lvl20 Mo/R LFG"
"We like you... oh wait you have left missions 3 times... you suck... **** you n00b"
See where this is going?

yep. it will be a flaming list. hate quitters also.
note however that sometimes peoples connections get f***** up.
that is not the same as a real quitter.
note however that sometimes peoples connections get f***** up.
that is not the same as a real quitter.
No, I do not see any reason for such a thing. It's not always their fault if they leave.
I was in a group and I couldnt fiond were the people were so they all quit out of the team.
It was just me and a level 5 R/Mo (at the time I was a lvl 9 N/Mo).
It was just me and a level 5 R/Mo (at the time I was a lvl 9 N/Mo).
Why not just fix the quit system. If they subbed a cooresponding NPC in when someone dropped, it wouldn't be perfect but would be something that at least addresses the issue.
Originally Posted by Straegen
Why not just fix the quit system. If they subbed a cooresponding NPC in when someone dropped, it wouldn't be perfect but would be something that at least addresses the issue.
Red Memory
Originally Posted by Straegen
Why not just fix the quit system. If they subbed a cooresponding NPC in when someone dropped, it wouldn't be perfect but would be something that at least addresses the issue.
Originally Posted by Ramus
A pop up should come up allowing you to choose any of the henchmen you do not have. Or just do it by there class combo.
Well since most of you didnt COMPLETELY read my post I will restate the fact that only if you manually leave the group (ie. through a logout or through the maps travel to option THEY must click the "yes i really want to leave the group" it isnt dificult to place it in the Yes buttons "click event") will this count against the quiters, so players who lose their connection are NOT penalized, this could be modified to only effect the 1st person to leave or only in PvP (as this is where I seem to encounter it most often. The henchman idea is a good one also and could be used in conjunction with mine or alone.
I find it difacult to understand why people are trying to defend quiters they are the ones who are griefing not any system designed to point them out. And most people will relize that someone who has only 2 or 3 isnt a big deal some times life happens but if someone has over 10 or 20 then their is a problem.
I find it difacult to understand why people are trying to defend quiters they are the ones who are griefing not any system designed to point them out. And most people will relize that someone who has only 2 or 3 isnt a big deal some times life happens but if someone has over 10 or 20 then their is a problem.
Originally Posted by Sting
I would like to have a rating system that kept track of players who quit groups while in a mission or Arena's. This can be done fairly easily because they already have a message come up "this action will cause you to leave your current party". Also they can monitor the log-out options while grped in missions only takes a little code. By linking the rating this way it WONT affect those who do actually go linkdead because the ways the code is called to track is through the actions of the player and the player must accept they are leaving a grp while in a mission.
Look at it this way, say you're on a mission, a party member goes AFK and you and your party want to resume without him/her. You leave, you all die, party member is still AFK, rather than waiting for him to return..would you rather leave and reform, or just sit there for who knows how long for him/her to come back? I mean..honestly..this idea is ridiculous. Why put a target on people for something that is their given right as players to a game, yes, I dislike quitters aswell, but maybe they have good reason once in awhile. I.E. Real life issues, AFK party members, etc etc. I would however like the option to remove an idle party member if they've been in the same spot for ten minutes without moving at all or talking, etc. And replace them with a henchman of course. That's just my two cents, I don't think it'd be very fair to label people..it's "Flare"..The Nazi's did it, so did the people in Office Space . "I..I..I believe you have my stapler.." -- Milton Waddams
This is a Terrible Idea...
Sometimes your party forces you to leave in its utter stupidity..
I had a group where the leader started the mission without a anyone with monk as either of there classes, then when I pointed this out, he told the R/W to heal.
Then I had another party where the monk had to go for dinner , the leader (a N/Mo) said we could still do it... yeah... he didn't even have a heal or a res on his bar...
Then I had another party where some jerk kept Drawing Swastica's and penis' on the Radar every 2 seconds, then we all died cause he was too busy drawing on the radar...
Should I be punshied for leaving due to the stupidity of others? nope.
Sometimes your party forces you to leave in its utter stupidity..
I had a group where the leader started the mission without a anyone with monk as either of there classes, then when I pointed this out, he told the R/W to heal.
Then I had another party where the monk had to go for dinner , the leader (a N/Mo) said we could still do it... yeah... he didn't even have a heal or a res on his bar...
Then I had another party where some jerk kept Drawing Swastica's and penis' on the Radar every 2 seconds, then we all died cause he was too busy drawing on the radar...
Should I be punshied for leaving due to the stupidity of others? nope.
I was once doing a mission with a team, everything was fine. We were almost at the end, when our monk randomly left. He whispered me saying "haha now ur all die" just to be an ass. However, if I'm trying to get an Elite Skill, I will often make a group of henchmen, run to the boss, try to get it, and if I fail I'll just quit the mission. Should I be penalized for this? What if it's with a group of players who agree to help me? Well, you might say, you could just have something you have to enable. What if people who leave just look for groups without it enabled? There are just too many flaws in this idea, and not a good enough reason to include it.
Maybe just have a "Complaint" system, where you can complain about a specific player to an important person, or that player's Guild Leader if applicable.
Maybe just have a "Complaint" system, where you can complain about a specific player to an important person, or that player's Guild Leader if applicable.
There is no good way to implement this without restricting our rights to leave crappy groups, or opening up potential for abuse.
Group with people you trust.
Group with people you trust.
what about the times when your in a all hench group?
or the times your in a group that its agreed that you dissband
or the times your in a group that its agreed that you dissband
HEHE ok I give do nothing and let the griefers off free. I admit its a bad idea LOL.
Then how about an option where that we can choose to rate someone else it only shows up to the person. So when we join the grp or when they join a group we are in then we can decide if we want to waste our time.
Then how about an option where that we can choose to rate someone else it only shows up to the person. So when we join the grp or when they join a group we are in then we can decide if we want to waste our time.

A player recommendation system that is positive (not negative) would suffice. For example, for every 20 recommendations a player receives, the player's name turns bluer, or more purple, etc. Cap the number of recommendations at something like 100.
That way, if you like a player, think a player is skilled, that player's name will turn bluer. You will only have a limited number of recommendations per day. Over time those people who are good team players will show themselves. Of course this might lead to rec-whoring, but it's more for fun and better than a negative rating system.
That way, if you like a player, think a player is skilled, that player's name will turn bluer. You will only have a limited number of recommendations per day. Over time those people who are good team players will show themselves. Of course this might lead to rec-whoring, but it's more for fun and better than a negative rating system.
I don't think that is a very good idea. If you have ever seen the Gamewinners forums, they have a system called Reputation. Essentially, you can rate any user's post as good or bad. Pretty quickly, it degenerated from a way for people to know who was posting SPAM and who was posting good things into something for idiots to mass up. If you look at the users with the highest reputation, most of them are just people who beg for it all the time and post crap.
In addition, name colors are already being used. Green means NPC, there are light and dark greens for whether they have services or not, light blue is a player, dark blue is a player in a party...
Sting, your "new" idea is the same thing. A way for people to rate others at all is just another excuse for exclusion. What would you think if you got refused from a party because you only had 10 rating, while everyone else had 200?
In addition, name colors are already being used. Green means NPC, there are light and dark greens for whether they have services or not, light blue is a player, dark blue is a player in a party...
Sting, your "new" idea is the same thing. A way for people to rate others at all is just another excuse for exclusion. What would you think if you got refused from a party because you only had 10 rating, while everyone else had 200?
Originally Posted by Flame
I don't think that is a very good idea. If you have ever seen the Gamewinners forums, they have a system called Reputation. Essentially, you can rate any user's post as good or bad. Pretty quickly, it degenerated from a way for people to know who was posting SPAM and who was posting good things into something for idiots to mass up. If you look at the users with the highest reputation, most of them are just people who beg for it all the time and post crap.
In addition, name colors are already being used. Green means NPC, there are light and dark greens for whether they have services or not, light blue is a player, dark blue is a player in a party... Sting, your "new" idea is the same thing. A way for people to rate others at all is just another excuse for exclusion. What would you think if you got refused from a party because you only had 10 rating, while everyone else had 200? |
As for a rating system we already have that its called fame points and rank. And when you reach rank 3 you can see others rank as well. That is or will be more detrimental for people getting into grps fairly soon as well so I say we ditch that as well.
There are so many situations that would make this system unfair to people who aren't griefers. For example, if you disc, you could set up a system to where it only counts party leavings through confimation actions (like you said earlier). But that's still not going to work. I live with four other people and only one computer, and occasionally, someone will come and get on the computer while I'm in the kitchen getting a drink or something, and simply shut off my game. Now, that's simply unfair to anyone who actually plays the game.
Griefers will grief you no matter what you implement. If you make it to where people who disc wont get negative marks, then they'll simply tab out and end process from task manager. Or pull their connection cords, or something of the like. And even if you find ways to beat those, they can still just sit in the mission and be AFK the entire mission, rendering them just as effective if they quit.
Overall, a good idea, just way too many ways around it and too many situations that would make it unfair to the people who actually play the game and don't grief.
Griefers will grief you no matter what you implement. If you make it to where people who disc wont get negative marks, then they'll simply tab out and end process from task manager. Or pull their connection cords, or something of the like. And even if you find ways to beat those, they can still just sit in the mission and be AFK the entire mission, rendering them just as effective if they quit.
Overall, a good idea, just way too many ways around it and too many situations that would make it unfair to the people who actually play the game and don't grief.
It's not even disconnects, what if you're part of a group who just got done with a quest and wants to map travel back to town instead of walk, so you leave. That goes on your record. what about when you're with henchmen, you get that same message. All those legitimate leaves will be counted. I disagree with this idea.
Originally Posted by Sting
As for a rating system we already have that its called fame points and rank. And when you reach rank 3 you can see others rank as well. That is or will be more detrimental for people getting into grps fairly soon as well so I say we ditch that as well.
The rating system I spoke of worked in a PvP game but exists separately from the person's PvP scores.