2 very simple things that I can't believe hasn't been implemented yet
A lifesaver. I like the drag and drop idea to shuffle them around.
/signed I found out(to my dismay) yesterday that this STILL hasnt been implemented. I tried it when I first started playing too, was surprised it wasnt available.
i really need thar for deep and urgoz
i really need thar for deep and urgoz
Two threads with same ideas merged (because of all the /signeds

Minus Sign
/signed. signed signed and..did I mention SIGNED?!
/signed BY FAR!!!
/wave, and..
arra sails
yeah there good ideas but its just little things u can work around, its no big deal........
Flabber Babble
/signed (in PERMANENT ink

Francis Demeules
/agree (more diversity than /signed)
How many time I wasted 50 orrians tablet when Magi need only 5-10 of them (and you give all at the end of the quest) for the Capture Signet
How many time I wasted 50 orrians tablet when Magi need only 5-10 of them (and you give all at the end of the quest) for the Capture Signet
/signed a billion times
Lady Lozza
Would be nice to see both of these things. But neither really bother me that much.
I wonder though, how "easy" it would be to add the functionality to move people up and down the party list. At first thought I'd have said it shouldn't be a problem, but it might be.
Would be nice to see both of these things. But neither really bother me that much.
I wonder though, how "easy" it would be to add the functionality to move people up and down the party list. At first thought I'd have said it shouldn't be a problem, but it might be.
Shouldnt be too difficult, unless theyres something we're missing. Maybe theres a "lock" on party postions, IDk. but it sure would be nice to have. Its alot easier to "quick select" party members if theyre organized(warriors at top oof list, then ranger/ele, Necros, monks at bottom would be my choice).
Excellent suggestions, and being one of the monks who frequently get bumped to "reorder" without anyone telling you first...I know this will help keep people form losing their monks.
Excellent suggestions, and being one of the monks who frequently get bumped to "reorder" without anyone telling you first...I know this will help keep people form losing their monks.
Thread Necromany FTW
1. The stack splitting is already possible so stop signing on behalf of that...
This feature was added on in the 13/07 update
2. Sounds reasonable to make this possible.
/signed on this one
1. The stack splitting is already possible so stop signing on behalf of that...
This feature was added on in the 13/07 update
2. Sounds reasonable to make this possible.
/signed on this one
Solveig Ikram
1. Shift+Click+Drag = spitting of stacks.
2. nice to have not essential. /signed
2. nice to have not essential. /signed
Originally Posted by Da Cebuano
Very simple update that will basically simplify everything that Anet simply hasn't done for no reason at all.
1st thing: When removing or putting stuff INTO storage(that can be in stacks), why not let us choose how much quantity like when you trade w/ someone or drop something? You don't always wanna remove the entire stack or give it all up. Its very silly how this hasn't been done at all. 2nd: When grouping, please allow the leader to be able to sort out the placings. Most organized groups love to have the monks in the last spots so they can have an easier time w/ clicking the names for heals. All it is being asked is simply a click and drag method to sort out the order placings. There is simply no negativity out of this. |
2nd one /signed
Ilithis Mithilander
/signed for rearranging party members
The smallest of inconviences tend to be some of the greatest things made better.
The smallest of inconviences tend to be some of the greatest things made better.
Just wanted to add that I asked Gaile about party reordering when she popped into Kamadan this past Saturday. She said she would ask the UI guys about it.