I'm A/R/Mo w00t w00t
I was going about in Southern Cantha when I noticed I had the attributes of 3 professions! It was so cool. I thought I should post a ss of it. Who can image the possiblities of being 3 professions at once! It'll be crazy! Anyways here's the attribute screenshot.
Aka: Bug!
EDIT: Ok, not a bug. Nice stuff though. Does that mean you can use the skills of that profession, and spend attribute points in those attributes too?...
Not a bug, the statues in Cantha have new blessings which can give you +1 in all the attributes of a certain profession.
Nice try though.
Nice try though.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
EDIT: Ok, not a bug. Nice stuff though. Does that mean you can use the skills of that profession, and spend attribute points in those attributes too?...
Chronos the Defiler
or like...a lvl 30 Flesh Golem :/
that is soooo photochopped
jk lol
jk lol
Lets Get to Healing
This IS from a statue look in the upper left hand corner. He is outside a town, he cant switch attri. points out.
If you look behind his hero screen you can see the two affects boxes that show the mods that add +1 to all monk stats.
Last night while roaming about I had like 4 classes' stats. Statues @ res shrines FTW
Last night while roaming about I had like 4 classes' stats. Statues @ res shrines FTW
Originally Posted by Chronos the Defiler
or like...a lvl 30 Flesh Golem :/