I was curious and aside from my Guild being called "Brothers of the Jade" and Jade is all over in the new place we are in bliss! We all want to have uber Jade items now and when I saw Jade Shards in the Rare Material trader I was like OMG, woudl be swwet if you can have Jade encrusted armor like the obsidian shard encrusted Obsidian Armor
We want the Jade Quarry to be our home now lol.
I saw the topic about 15k armor and some used Jadite, now if only it would be visible on the armor
My guild is in heaven! Jade Shards! Jade armor? maybe? ....please :)
I take it that your whole giuld is made up of Luxons now?
lol, yeah pretty much, which is cool cause we wanted that side anyway before the preview event, so it worked great lol.