Decent Ways To Making Money


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Las Vegas


i know you said you were looking for farming ways to make money mainly as a w/mo, but i suggest making a 55 monk. thats how i do most of my farming these days. i just farm for troll tusks in the little troll caves outside droks. my run takes about 8-10mins, and i make 1.5-2k. but lately i've been getting pretty lucky. one run yesterday, i found 2 gold swords(1 10/10 sundering) and a sup axe rune. made like 20k just off those. also the main reason i farm the trolls is for the troll tusks. you can sell them to people for 15g each in droks, or trade 5 of them to a collector in snakes dance for an item worth 125g(25g each). i guess if you really wanted, you could just buy the tusks and then trade them, but i don't think its worth it. also, no one has mentioned this yet, but power lvling is cool. you still get loot and you can make some decent money doing it...well those are my suggestions....

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

What are decent ways to make money?
If everyone knew everyone would be rich.

Its called using your brain something so many of you are not doing. Instead you are looking for "cookie cutter" ways of making gold. You all farm the same nerfed farming locations. Find your own farming areas and keep quiet or use to your advantage certain things.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Marhan's Grotto



Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
What are decent ways to make money?
If everyone knew everyone would be rich.

Its called using your brain something so many of you are not doing. Instead you are looking for "cookie cutter" ways of making gold. You all farm the same nerfed farming locations. Find your own farming areas and keep quiet or use to your advantage certain things.
thank you herbalizer im glad someone finally said this.......even though they might be quite helpful..forums like this are the reason that places get nerfed think back wayy before christmas when griffon farming was just invented and you used to get 2-3 golds plus 2k per run. Now, the person who invented that didnt look at some forum and find a build, he thought of it himself and somehow it leaked to everyone and then for a while everyone was rich and then got nerfed...another example-- Solo'ing FoW with a W/Me..this just recently came out on the forums (i think?), b/c ive been doing it for a few months and no one knew a thing about it and it was very profitable, however, now when you go for a chest run, usually 2 out of the 8 warriors in the group will be W/Me's looking to clear the beach in FoW