Horn Quest Question
I have just been playing for about 3 days now I am stuck with the horn quest. Questioin is I have found the pool but how do I purify the horn I have tried dropping it and so forth with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
Ok its not too bad really. I initially had a problem here too. When you are in the right area to bath the horn, hold doen the alt key (I do this constantly while exploring) and you will see the Somthing Springs in yellow. Click this spot and it will be bathed.
Originally Posted by Chazzman
I have just been playing for about 3 days now I am stuck with the horn quest. Questioin is I have found the pool but how do I purify the horn I have tried dropping it and so forth with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
hold ALT down to be sure it is labeled as the right place
then all you haveto do is click on the spring and the quest log should update
i dont want to think of the number of times i dumped it into the spring and found no change
snaked by a few seconds
I have since went back to the spring <healing spring> is the one I am at I tried standing close and far away all over the place while holding alt and still have yet to find the text I need. Its driving me nuts. I now only have like 4 quests I am working on at level 7 and would like to get it off the list Thank you for your replies...