Satelite Internet
Simple question: Does Guild Wars rely on an absence of lag for someone to be able to competitively play with others? I have satelite internet, and therefore pings of 1 second and upwards. DSL is out of the question, because I live exactly in the middle of nowhere, and the second highest internet speed around here is 33K.
Hopefully someone who has tried GW using satellite will come along to answer your question. Lots of people play well on dialup, though.

if you have a ping of 1 second you will be reacting to the same enemies or allies 1 second after everyone else.
if you are a monk and you are 1 second behind, your team will be screwed....
any gaming on satelite is pointless imo.
if you are a monk and you are 1 second behind, your team will be screwed....
any gaming on satelite is pointless imo.
Satellite has always been a poor way of playing games.
The other night though I was in a party with a warrior who was playing quite well and later stated that he was playing off of a 56k modem.
Since you can only transmit at 33.6k and receive at 56k and there's no guarantee of connecting at 56k, it's safe to assume that he had nothing more than a solid 33.6k connection. If that's all that's available to you, then it might be worth a shot.
The other night though I was in a party with a warrior who was playing quite well and later stated that he was playing off of a 56k modem.
Since you can only transmit at 33.6k and receive at 56k and there's no guarantee of connecting at 56k, it's safe to assume that he had nothing more than a solid 33.6k connection. If that's all that's available to you, then it might be worth a shot.
i used dreadway for over a year and after there crappy servce i try to encurage people to use something else. dial up would serve to better
the recommendation of every online gamer i know is that sat is incompatable with online play
If you use dial up for outgoing traffic (and sat only for D/L), you might be in a *little* better position than pure sat up/down user, but I agree with the others that it would probably still be very difficult. If other forms of broadband are out of the question (and I assume they are since hardly anyone uses data sat now unless they have no other option), dial up would be your best bet.