Hey everyone,
I am on a quest right now where you're supposed to engrave a message on Oswalt Alston's headstone. Well I found the stone, and I engraved the message, now I have to visit Oswalt for a reward. That doesn't really make sense, because he is dead. I guess I have to talk to his ghost? Anyways, the pointer on the map just brings me to a very general area, the Ascalon Foothills. I'm not sure where he is in here though. I have been looking for quite a while. Does anyone know?
Where is Oswalt Alston?
I screwed this up also. The ghost appears behind the headstone immediately after you click it and you must complete the mission then. If you leave and come back, the ghost will be gone. I suggest you abandon the mission and start over. When you click the headstone, the ghost will appear and you can complete the mission.
Pevil Lihatuh
his ghost should appear right next to the gravestone. hard to miss him coz he'll get the green ! above his head, so just hold in ALT and find that gravestone in the Foothills again!
I had a feeling it would be something like that. Thanks for the help, I'm going to do the mission again.