Cutscenes tomfoolery


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


Just a few interesting things that occured during the various cutscenes when you do missions. This is what can happen if you use the in-game engine real-Time for stuff like cutscenes.

Yes, that is Charr ALL OVER US in the middle of the cutscene.

Here we are in the middle of a cutscene and one guild member is dancing. How rude!

A guildmate decides "screw it, I'm leaving" and leaves Lion's Arch instead of following the rest of us in. Actually he WAS coming in. But moonwalking.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

lol i had a few of those weird problems like when they are talking but ur guys looking the other way and not even paying attention.



Join Date: May 2005


one time my character was gettin awarded with knighthood or sumethin, and one of the knights was getting attacked in the background


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

The Silent Hand [TSH]


ya its so dumb, one of the missions-

Guillaume De Sonoma

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005



That would be funny to walk around backwards. And when was the last time you used the word tomfoolery? And is that spelled right?

Garias Whitanian

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Guillaume De Sonoma
That would be funny to walk around backwards. And when was the last time you used the word tomfoolery? And is that spelled right? Surely you mean, is that spelt correctly?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


According to Merriam-Webster it's correct.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

UK, or is it? *confused*


I haven't got a picture, but at the end of ONE mission I was constantly attacked in a cutscene! If I died during that God knows how much of a DP I would have got!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I was in one cutscene but when i was walkin i was spinning around along with 2 other people. I think it is just lag?.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Northwest Ascalon



I just finished the mission that leads from Nolani Academy to Yak's Bend, and (not knowing it was over) I raised a horror from the Charr Hero who fell last. The cut-scene included my bone horror in it, and he even bowed to the king! While on camera, his time ran out, and he fell in a heap and dissolved. It was hilarious. It took me completely by surprise, and I didn't get to the Print Screen button until it was too late to be funny.

I'm going to run that one again, and if it works I will post some screenshots.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I had something similar with my minions. On one of the quests it zooms into the main char but my minion was stood in front so you had a huge closeup of its head then it just fell over and died, i nearly wet myself laughing lol



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Infinite Representation Of Pie And Its Many Brilliances

Yeah it's awesome when you get your minions with you in the cutscene, it happened a lot in ascalon, Prince Rurik would start talkin' all serious with dramatic music then you'd just hear a "...whaaaplop", in the background of a minion falling to the ground. So funny.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


Not as good as the others, but the mission ended oddly and a bunch of white mantles were caught in mid-action, as though they are about to have a Wile E. Coyote moment...

Winds of Blood

Winds of Blood

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Void Engineers [vE]

Lmao at the first one. Thats priceless.

Sun Warrior

Sun Warrior

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

California, USA

The Alphas

My dog kept humping Ironhammer at the frostgate. That first pic is hilarious, btw.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


Similar to what happened in the first cutscene. This is a mid-mission cutscene that occurs during the Ascension trials. What followed really can't be pared down to a single screenshot.

Killing the boss triggers the cutscene (red glow in the background).

I clicked "skip" because I'd done this before, but found the proceedings amusing.

Immediately following the cutscene the two members die instantly. They had already been "killed" during the cutscene but didn't know it yet.

The two people who dropped will remain nameless but it seemed pretty clear that they weren't interested in partying and just left us in a lurch. I think we still had a good shot at finishing at least the mission (two w/mos, a nuker, and a healer) but not with half the party experiencing insta-death.

Moral of the story, if you're under attack in a cutscene, you are taking real physical damage that is applied as soon as the cutscene is over. In most cases it means the end of the mission so no harm, no foul, but in mid-game cutscenes this could cost you a bit of Time. In this case we found two good people to join us and completed the mission easily.

Thumbs down to those two guild mates.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Draconian Order


my strider always gets stuck on things, or tries to peck peole during cutscenes. With the mission where you cut the bridge at the end to get away from the white mantle, he was stuck on the side with all the white mantle ^^;



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Don't remember the name


Funny, you can still talk during cutscenes. I say something at the same time the cutscene begins, and you can see the text hovering above my head