Why Cant I Get Skills???
I saw on gwonline.net the skills like healing hands i believe it was and i went to the trainer that it said on there i can get that skill from but i never got it? why is that?
Correct me if I am wrong but I am guessing skill points and or money is stopping you?
Soul Monarch
Or maybe it's because all of the GWOnline data is from the last beta event, and doesn't pertain in any way to the retail version.
Very few skills are bought from trainers anymore, now you find most of them through quests or Signet of Capture.
Very few skills are bought from trainers anymore, now you find most of them through quests or Signet of Capture.
Tarrant Rahl
Originally Posted by Soul Monarch
Or maybe it's because all of the GWOnline data is from the last beta event, and doesn't pertain in any way to the retail version.
Very few skills are bought from trainers anymore, now you find most of them through quests or Signet of Capture. |

Then how come I go to the trainer and he doesn't have the skills hes supposed to have, and im sure that i don't already have it when i press k.
These are the skills I need, please help me find them:
Sever Artery
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
Healing Hands {Elite}
Restore Life
These are the skills I need, please help me find them:
Sever Artery
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
Healing Hands {Elite}
Restore Life
I'm confused. You're looking for healing hands from a trainer? The only way to get elite skills is through signet of capture, and healing hands will not be available until after ascension (unless I'm mistaken).
EDIT: If you still need Restore Life you can buy if off a skill trainer at Grendich Courthouse, north of the Nolani mission.
EDIT: If you still need Restore Life you can buy if off a skill trainer at Grendich Courthouse, north of the Nolani mission.
can someone post the locations of all the skills on the list? especially galrath slash!!

Sever Artery and Gash are available in Ascalon I think
Sever Artery and Gash are available in pre-sear ascalon as a quest for a primary warrior.
The subsequent town or city trainer usually has all skill quests available from the previous explorable areas.
Elite skills are not available at any trainer and must now be captured.
The subsequent town or city trainer usually has all skill quests available from the previous explorable areas.
Elite skills are not available at any trainer and must now be captured.
Mending is available as a monk from a quest offered by the Kryta Ambassador just outside of Ascalon City (Post-searing)
I would check Beetletun for Galrath Slash. You should check out the skill listing on guru. When you find a skill you want click on the name and it should tell you where you can find it.
there is no skill trainers in pre-searing.. if you're sure u've got all the skills from quests, then all u can do is go to post-searing.
what skills do u currently have? without knowing what u have there's no way to tell u whether you're missing something (btw i havent played E or N so i can't give u an answer, but others can if u tell us what u already have). also, do a search on skills.. that could prob. give u the answer
Edit: This should be what you want: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content...lon-id1264.php
Oh, for trainers i meant the one that "sold" you skills. U can't buy skills in pre.
Edit: This should be what you want: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content...lon-id1264.php
Oh, for trainers i meant the one that "sold" you skills. U can't buy skills in pre.
you cannot buy skills pre-searing, you can only quest them
Post Searing,
you have access to skill trainers that will sell non-elite skills to you
(at select towns)
Sir Bertrain is in PostSearing Ascalon
Post Searing,
you have access to skill trainers that will sell non-elite skills to you
(at select towns)
Sir Bertrain is in PostSearing Ascalon
Did you notice the asterisk by that skill? At the beginning of the skill listing it says that skills with an asterisk are only learnable if that is your primary. So, since your primary is Elementalist, Vampiric Gaze is not learnable in pre-sear.