I"m an elementalist and you have to consider two important things here:
Important point 1-each dance is relative to the character. (I'll discuss males since it's male elementalist were discussing anyway)
a monk is a holy warrior, their dance is like tai chi or a kung-fu hustle

A warrior is a brute jock and his dance totally shows that
I don't know the other's dances right off hand, but...
An elementalist is effeminate by nature, in tune with nature is not a brutish kind of thing it's a sensitivity thing. Magic, by it's nature, is opposite physical strength and so one would expect a magician to be a bit socially withdrawn, a bit standoffish. I think the beginning of the dance with the elementalist just bobbing up and down as he looks around, later starting to sway side to side... this is fantastic! I love it!
Important point 2- the kicks are retarded! and once he starts kicking he doesn't stop kicking! that's the end of the dance! You know what I do? I stand directly behind him and as soon as he sets up to start his kicking (when he grabs his foot) I tap backwards and quickly type again /dance so that he starts over. That or I throw in the towel and just /sit down while I wait for my party to get ready.