I had a good look around and couldn't fine this any where so i don't think I am repeasting something someone else said.
Is it possible to stop low level monsters attacking high level characters? because i am a lvl 17 E/Me and it takes me ages to travel anywhere due to lots of low level monsters always attacking me.
so is it possible to make it so that once you are a certain amount stronger than the low level monsters they will leave you alone kinda like what they do in the Pre-searing part?
Low level Mobs
Alec Kerry

they must love you to death........^_^
THis has been brought up a couple of times...
While it is annoying, if the group has any chance of slaughtering you, they should attack
But it is stupid when like a level 12 monster attacks a level 20 character or whatever. Are they suicidal or something?
While it is annoying, if the group has any chance of slaughtering you, they should attack

But it is stupid when like a level 12 monster attacks a level 20 character or whatever. Are they suicidal or something?

maybe make it a random chance for attacking a player that is 5+ level higher, with the chance of attacking decreasing with the level difference. That way you can get attacked, but you don't have to fight every inch of the way.
Maybe 5% chance of not getting attacked for every +1 level you are above the monster? Of course, some monsters will attack you no matter what, but not every bloody one should. So a level 1 monster has a 95% chance of ignoring you (19 levels higher x 5% = 95).
Maybe 5% chance of not getting attacked for every +1 level you are above the monster? Of course, some monsters will attack you no matter what, but not every bloody one should. So a level 1 monster has a 95% chance of ignoring you (19 levels higher x 5% = 95).

They attack each other... they're hostile beasts with little fear. Besides, when I go back to ascalon I take out the devourers with one hit, 2 if I don't use skills. That's at level 16. Once I get to level 20 it should be even easier.
(this is another point in favor of mounts. If you got a mount as an end-game reward you could easily just ride past all but the fastest of creeps)
(this is another point in favor of mounts. If you got a mount as an end-game reward you could easily just ride past all but the fastest of creeps)
Low level mobs are a damned pain in the a$$. Something needs to be done. They delay me during quests or when venturing...
i use the sprint skill if i really don't want to fight them but usually i kill them and take whatever they drop and sell it to a merchant thats enough in itself to justify me wasting my time fighting them i usually make some decent money that way
Is it just me or is EVERY mob aggressive, i agree it is quite annoying, maybe if make a system were say you kill so many of them and next tiem you go on the map there is less to attack you but each time you visit the map they increase slowly again unless you kill them as the 'breed' or whatever. Or just keep the Mobs away from the roads lol, the marked main raods that is.
They are annoying.
It funny that I found the charr at one point to be super hard... yet I returned to the North lands of the wall and was soloing them left, right and center
Funny how the story involves us running away from Ascalon from the POWERFUL charr, why not just make us all level up and kill them off? lol
It funny that I found the charr at one point to be super hard... yet I returned to the North lands of the wall and was soloing them left, right and center

Funny how the story involves us running away from Ascalon from the POWERFUL charr, why not just make us all level up and kill them off? lol