I would like the option to go back to Pre-Searing Ascalon. Perhaps as an end-game reward they could add this option somehow. Maybe also, since before the Searing you only have access to the Ascalon area, they could use time travel as a means to have access to more areas (the other 3/4 of the Pre-Searing map).
But mostly, I just want to be able to explore Ascalon pre-searing as a high level character.
Time Travel?
Why? You'd get absolutely nothing from it.
I've already explored it. Maybe if you could go to the whole of Tyria before the searing, during the guild wars.
I'll tell you why, because post-searing Ascalon is the ugliest sight. When I first started GuildWars the environments were outstanding. Now I just feel sick when I am forced to play in run down scraplands.
So go to Kryta.
Yes the pre searing Ascalon is probably one of the bleakest environments I have seen yet, you really do get the feeling that something awfull happened to Ascalon.
But trust me the environments get better and more varied later on.
In fact some of them are truly beautifull.
But trust me the environments get better and more varied later on.
In fact some of them are truly beautifull.
I love the whole post-apocolypse feel for two reasons. One, fire blasted ruins are cool. They look great. Two, when you get to the forests of Kryta the life there, the greenery is beautiful. It makes you appreciate that you can see trees and grass. My main motive for wanting this though is that I don't like the idea of having a section of the game locked away from me... even though it actually isn't locked away it's just transformed...
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
I would like the option to go back to Pre-Searing Ascalon. Perhaps as an end-game reward they could add this option somehow. Maybe also, since before the Searing you only have access to the Ascalon area, they could use time travel as a means to have access to more areas (the other 3/4 of the Pre-Searing map).
But mostly, I just want to be able to explore Ascalon pre-searing as a high level character. |
when you beat all the quests as a reward cause beating every single quest/hunting them down to even get them would be hard and that would be worthly of a reward i would think.
Originally Posted by Hunter511
when you beat all the quests as a reward cause beating every single quest/hunting them down to even get them would be hard and that would be worthly of a reward i would think.

Originally Posted by Loviatar
but only in a separate district from any possible contact with starting players
![]() |
Originally Posted by Masut
I'll tell you why, because post-searing Ascalon is the ugliest sight. When I first started GuildWars the environments were outstanding. Now I just feel sick when I am forced to play in run down scraplands.
umm dude you got no clue LOL
Kryta has some of the best scenery there is in the game