I was playing yesterday at the arena. i am only lvl 12. I get a message wich says something like "playerX is attacking XXX press T to target". Later the player told me that was to make all party target the same enemy.
I wanted to learn how to send this messege to my party. I read something about pressing CTRL+SPACE or CTRL+LCLICK, i tried but i get a message like "playerX is attacking playerY" but i don`t get the part that says "press T to target".
What am i doing wrong? can u tell me how to make that call?
I may miss something cos my english is not perfect at all.
Thx for ur help.
How does "target call" work???
It's a bit...buggy, sometimes it doesn't say "press T to target", but it works even if that text doesn't show.
Even if you don't see text ( I never have, now that I think of it... I read about autoassisting here ) you can press T and then your chosen attack -- space bar if you want the default attack. It's extremely helpful, and I try to use it whenever I group now.
If you are the one that calls the target, it shouldn't say "press T to target" on your screen.
i used to see "press T to target" during BETA, but now I never see it, even when others target. it's very annoying b/c the auto-assist only works when you see the target icon next to a player's name (in the party window), and sometimes upon asking "please call targets", another person will say "i am! i am!" but pressing T will do nothing because they didn't press the correct combination of buttons (i believe it's ctrl+attack, as well as ctrl+alt+attack). sometimes it simply says "I'm attacking <target>" rather than "I'm targetting <target>" and it just doesn't work, because you will still have to tab through to find the target.
And bless your little heart for asking...
I wish more people knew (or asked) how targeting works, since the game makes it so easy. Even if it doesn't always work perfectly.
I wish more people knew (or asked) how targeting works, since the game makes it so easy. Even if it doesn't always work perfectly.
Also when someone in your group calls a target, a bullseye symbol appears next to that person in the group window. If you click on the bullseye you will automatically target the same enemy.
Originally Posted by Nuba
I wanted to learn how to send this messege to my party. I read something about pressing CTRL+SPACE or CTRL+LCLICK, i tried but i get a message like "playerX is attacking playerY" but i don`t get the part that says "press T to target".
What am i doing wrong? can u tell me how to make that call? |
Select your target, either by holding ALT and clicking on the enemy OR by using TAB to select your enemy, and then press CTRL SPACE. You will see a message that says: "Nuba is attacking XX"
When you team sees that, all the have to do is hit T, then space bar, and they'll automatically attack the target you've called.