Originally Posted by Nudge
I'm not so sure if it's a constant. If you have 2 skill points, you spend one (10g), then unlearn that skill and learn a new one (20g), the next skill you learn, will still cost 20 gold because you only have one skill point spent. This person just unlocked 3 skills for 50g, whereas learning 3 bought in a row would cost 60g.
It'd cost 60g to learn 3 skills with 2 skill points - 10 to learn the first skill, 20 to unlearn it (it's inclusive, the spare skill point left over costs to 10), 10 to re-learn your first skill, and 20 to learn the second skill, for 60 total. In the other order, it'd be 10 to learn the first skill, 20 to learn the second, 10 to unlearn a skill, and 20 more to re-learn a second, for 60 gold total.
Earning and spending 3 skill points, as stated, will cost you 60 gold. Actually, that's another property of scaling things this way that I missed - unlearning and re-learning a skill has the exact same gold cost as earning another skill point and learning a skill with it.
The price does start to get a *bit* cheaper once you start to unlearn multiple skills, though. Learn 2, unlearn 2, learn 2 unlocks 4 skills for 90 gold (at 2 skill points) while learn 4 costs 100 gold (at 4 skill points). Of course the cheap solution is learn 2 skills, delete character, learn 2 skills, for 60 gold - this scales up nicely once you're in the 20-30 skill range and it starts being a ton cheaper to re-roll than to unlearn skills.
Originally Posted by Nudge
That's very technical, and not very conventional, but still a hole.
I'm not sure it's technically a hole, since it only becomes cheaper to re-spend your skill points when you don't have any more skill points to spend - if you have unspent points you're better off just spending those. You're comparing the gold cost of retraining skills at a fixed number of skill points to the gold cost of actually expanding your selection of skills after earning more skill points. If you earn those skill points, then retraining becomes more expensive. So I think it's a false dilemma - the conditions are different enough that just comparing gold piece values isn't entirely fair.
The price of moving your skills around increases as you know more skills - that's the entire point. Low level characters (and players) need the leeway more than a player who has 50 skills to choose from.
You have to compare characters at different points in the game. Unlearning/relearning at low level is cheap, sure, but you can reroll characters quickly to unlock those. It's more costly for the skills that are further away from lowbie ascalon, but contrast that with the time spent running there over and over. Sure, you could unlock skills quickly if you could get a level 1 character to the advanced trainers - but is that a fair basis of comparison, when a freshly minted character can gain levels like crazy on the run there?
Are we really talking about how hard it is to unlock skills as though making it more difficult is somehow preferable?