disable alt+tab?
Due to the fact that you have to hold down Alt to highlight NPCs and treasure, and the fact that I use Tab to select enemy targets, I find myself accidentally pressing Alt+Tab quite often, which of course brings up the Windows task switcher and minimizes GuildWars, which is very annoying in the middle of a battle. Does anyone know if there's a way to disable alt+tab while GW is running? If not, I guess I could just switch the NPC highlighter from Alt to a different key, but it is sort of nice using Alt.
I <3 Alt + Tab. I think I accidentally hit it sometimes, too. If it's really a problem, I'd reccomend exactly what you said: Change your control scheme.
I tend to use C or T instead of tab, which means when I actually end up using tab my hand generally isnt on alt. I did exactly what you did for a long time until I starting using C for clostest target and T for called target rather than tab for next target. In fact my friend still does it and I am constantly laughing as he is next to me and suddenly says, "hang on, alt tabbed again."
I ended up doing what IndyCC mentioned... It is irritating to alt+tab yourself to death