Energy Regen
Do all classes have the same base energy regen, or are they different?
From my understanding, yes each class has different regeneration rates. I don't know the exact numbers, but for sure I know the warrior class has not only the slowest but lowest number too. I believe elementalists has the highest?
energy regen is determined by armor. warrior armor get you 2 pips, ranger armor gets you 3, and caster armor gets you 4. each pip of energy regen gets you 1 energy every 3 seconds, so a ranger with 3 pips gains 1 energy per second.
Sausaletus Rex
Every character starts with 2 regeneration. A pip of regeneration is the equivallent of gaining 1 energy every 3 seconds so every character gets at least .66 energy a second. There are ways of gettting more pips, the armor different professions where is the most common (Warriors get nothing, Rangers get one bonus pip, and everyoen else gets 2) but there are also skills like BiP or Ether Prodigy. And there are also ways of losing pips, too, like the +energy -regeneration items or a skill like Malaise.
Lord Kinetic
Would like to know some sort of table of who gets most who gets least etc....
Sausaletus Rex
Amazing what you can find around this site, then, isn't it?