Question about Pictures
i was wonderin if anyone knows how to put pictures in the thread?
does anyone know?
yes, host the picture on a site like
then in your Reply, paste the url between the image tags, like this:
[IMG]your url here[/IMG]
then in your Reply, paste the url between the image tags, like this:
[IMG]your url here[/IMG]
Mr. Matt
Or you can just add it as an attachment if you have it on your computer and you're in a rush. Do they allow that on this forum? They seem to, as it has all the common image extensions as valid. It can't hurt to try if you ever need to post an image, anyway.
No, it has to be hosted somewhere on the internet to be linkable.
Mr. Matt

Yeah, I guess you're right. You can get the image uploaded, but it seems to display as a link. Works elsewhere, though.