Missing dialogue
Numa Pompilius
I've lost the "text bubbles" from quest & mission npc's; it worked when I started playing, but now the npc's just stand around for a while, then the quest updates. The problem is that as I have no idea what they said, I'm more than a little fuzzy about the story of the game.
Is this a known problem with a known fix?
Is this a known problem with a known fix?
In the entire time I've been on these forums I don't think this has come up...
Not sure whats up with it, but have you tried a reinstall?
In the entire time I've been on these forums I don't think this has come up...
Not sure whats up with it, but have you tried a reinstall?
Numa Pompilius
No, but that's a good suggestion - in all probability it's a corrupted file somewhere. I'll report what happens
Numa Pompilius
OK, uninstall, delete/clean registry, reinstall, DIDN'T fix the problem. I'm still not seeing the dialogue bubbles from quest characters. It's getting a bit better, as the devs have now made it so that the dialogue from some (but not all) quest characters show up in the chat box, but most of the time I just get a pause and then an updated quest goal. Meaning I am now in Riverside and have no idea what the story of the game is.
Am I really the only one who've encountered this bug?
It started after the last major update about a week ago.
Am I really the only one who've encountered this bug?
It started after the last major update about a week ago.
There is currently a bug with overhead text display reguarding characters in town and in missions. This is probably somehow bugging the text for npcs as well. I am sure it will be fixed soon.
I have the same problem. When I started to play Guild Wars I had text bubbles, but since a week or so (I don't know the exact time), I only see the text spoken by the NPC's in the chat output, not in text bubbles anymore.
So it does seem like this is a bug introduced by one of the updates.
So it does seem like this is a bug introduced by one of the updates.
What be your system specs? *Arrr* (Yea, in a pirate type of mood for some reason...)
Numa Pompilius
Does anyone know what triggers the "missing dialog box" bug in towns Shazbawt talks about?
I've tried to think back, and I may have enabled antialiasing about the same time I saw the last dialog boxes, will test if that's what's causing it.
System specs:
Windows XP sp2
512 MB RAM
AMD XP 2000
Geforce 4 Ti 4200
It's a quality system but over the hill by now.
I've tried to think back, and I may have enabled antialiasing about the same time I saw the last dialog boxes, will test if that's what's causing it.
System specs:
Windows XP sp2
512 MB RAM
AMD XP 2000
Geforce 4 Ti 4200
It's a quality system but over the hill by now.
Can we see a screenshot of the problem?
Numa Pompilius
Well, sure, but there's nothing to see.
Say I'm out on a mission and I find an npc with a green ! over his head, and double-click him. Then _absolutely nothing_ happens for perhaps a minute. I can move, but events (gates opening, quest log updating, cut scenes playing etc) don't happen until the npc has "finished talking". Once the pause is over if I open the quest log and there's a new entry or an old entry has been updated. The quest entries are enough that I roughly know what I need to do next (e.g. kill Lord Smurf or whatever) but I have no idea why, because I never got the explanation from the npc.
Say I'm out on a mission and I find an npc with a green ! over his head, and double-click him. Then _absolutely nothing_ happens for perhaps a minute. I can move, but events (gates opening, quest log updating, cut scenes playing etc) don't happen until the npc has "finished talking". Once the pause is over if I open the quest log and there's a new entry or an old entry has been updated. The quest entries are enough that I roughly know what I need to do next (e.g. kill Lord Smurf or whatever) but I have no idea why, because I never got the explanation from the npc.