mantra of inscriptions + blessed signet + keystone signet


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

I just thought this should be in its own thread instead of hijacking the other one. Question was, is that worth it? Takes up your elite and 3 slots for energy, can it keep up something like holy wrath?

Sausaletus Rex said
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
Depends on how many enchantments you're running. Blessed Signet adds energy based on how many maintained enchantments you have up. There's a cap on energy, too.

But, okay, with Inspiration of 12 you've got MoI reducing Signet's recharge timers by 45%. That means Keystonesig is 16~17 seconds, depending on rounding and Blessed is 5~6, depending on rounding again (I'd guess that it's the higher value but I'm not sure). There's aftercast on signets, too, in my experience, so the 2 second casting time is actually 2.75. So, you can cast Blessed Signet once, then Keystone, then Blessed within 8.25 seconds. Then you'll need to wait just over 14 seconds before using Keystone again. You could then do it all over again, as Blessed would recharge at 6 seconds and then would need 2.75 seconds to cast, leaving Keystone with 5 seconds to recharge. Now, Keystone will recharge in those 5 seconds but by the time you finish casting it Blessed will already have recharged so you want to waint until you get that forth Blessed off before using Keystone for the fifth. You could then repeat that patten of Blessed -> Blessed -> Blessed -> Keystone -> Blessed ->Blessed -> Blessed -> Keystone -> Blessed -> Blessed -> Blessed indefinitely. So, let's just say Keystone will add 1/4 to the effects of Blessed Signet. It depends on when you get that energy and it's frontloaded a bit, the longer you go the less impact you get from Keystone, but that's the simplest way to parse it down.

It's not quite that simple as Keystone takes time. So while normally starting from the moment you cast Blessed it would take you - with MoI - 35 seconds before you could cast it four times. With Keystone, starting from a zero point of that first Keystone after that first Blessed (Which is the infinite point), it takes you something like 26 seconds.

So, now you get 3 energy per maintained enchantment per Blessed. With one enchantment up you get 12 energy with Blessed alone over those four casts or 12 energy in 35 seconds or about .34 energy a second or the equivalent of just over a pip. Keystone turns that into 12 energy in roughly 26 seconds or about .45 energy every second. So it's somewhere around 30% more efficient. Add one or more enchantments and you get that same ratio, although you get a lot more energy. Each maintainted enchantment with Blessed is about a pip. Each with Keystone+Blessed is about .45 energy a second. That's with MoI, of course (Without it it's less, .24 energy a second with just Blessed. With Keystone....well, you do the math on that...). And the proviso that you spend a *lot* of time casting even just Blessed to get that energy.

So if you can keep five or six enchantments running with MoI and Blessed Signet you're talking about an insane boost to your energy regeneration (Six is the most you'd want to run with DF of 12 because after that you start hitting the energy cap on Blessed Signet. But keep in mind that you're putting yourself into degeneration yourself to do that.).
The math is a bit convoluted, but I had come to the .34 energy per second myself. I'll take your word for the .45. Since the enchantments have to be maintained, we're looking at a total of .12 energy per second for each enchantment. 6 enchantments give 2 pips of energy. Not worth it?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Exiled

I was running blessed signet to offset the cost of maintaned enchantments for one of my builds and for that case it was worth it but for regening energy i think you should just pick up energy drain since it only takes one skill slot .

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

Originally Posted by Tuon
The math is a bit convoluted, but I had come to the .34 energy per second myself. I'll take your word for the .45. Since the enchantments have to be maintained, we're looking at a total of .12 energy per second for each enchantment. 6 enchantments give 2 pips of energy. Not worth it?
I'm not sure about where you get .12 energy per second per enchantment. That .34 is for just one enchantment. If you had two you'd get .68 or just over two pips. Three is 1.02 or just over three pips. And so on.

Blessed Aura is 3 energy for each enchantment you maintain. Even with just one enchantment and no Keystone et all it's 3 energy every 12.75 seconds.

Anyhow, to answer the original question, if you ask me, no.

By itself you're not even breaking even. You'll spend 2.75 seconds every 12.75 seconds to get less than a pip's worth or energy for each enchantment you maintain. Of course, since those skills take a pip of energy to maintain you're still losing energy. No a whole lot, granted, just .09 energy per second or a whole 2.7 energy over 30 seconds, but still that's for each enchantment. So, for spending roughly 1/5th your time, you get to lose energy.

With MoI, you'll break even but just barely. You'll spend 2.75 seconds out of every 8.75 to get just a pip's worth. You actually gain .01 energy a second or roughly .3 energy in 30 seconds per each maintained enchantment. But you're still just treading water. Unlike the way things were in the build review, you're only just treading water and spending yet more time to do it - about 30% of your precious time. You're not actually going to earn any energy out of the deal. By cutting that 20 seconds down you'd actually earn more energy than you spent out so you could afford to keep recasting a lot of enchantments. Now, you're just nulifying the effects of that defeneration from a maintained enchantment on your character. Probably better balanced but not very exciting in terms of possibilities.

With MoI and Keystone you will actually earn energy on an enchantment. .15 energy per second per enchantment. Or 4.5 energy in 30 seconds. Not too bad as, since the Blessed is canceling out the degeneration you'll actually get your normal regeneration, too. But the time constraint bites you hard here as you'll spend roughly half your time casting Keystone and Blessed in order to get that little boost to your energy. Not what I'd really devote three slots, one of them elite in order to make work.

So, bottom line. Not a bad trick but not really worth the time and effort expended. Move onto another, more abusive trick and leave this one to the history books.