Different take on R/Me,Comment!!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

After reading alot of builds and PVP plans on this forum and others I was planning my character (I don't have guildwars, hopefully i'll be playing by Friday) Which i've decided to play as a R/Me since the restriction on their playability is the users skill. Pretty much every build for a R/Me focuses on Marksmanship, Expertise and domination/illusion. I was planning on taking crippling shot, distracting shot, throw dirt, whirling defense, and an attack bow skill. After looking through the trees I saw that I could easily take out a bow skill for a mesmer equivalent, and drop Marksmanship for the more versitile Wilderness Survival. From there I could stem to traps, preparations, rituals, basically alot more skills than i'd be able to pull from marksmanship. I'd like some comments on this from experienced rangers/character builders and PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I have not played this game yet and am making observations from an unbaised, unexperienced spectator point of view. Thank you

(wahoo for 1st post)