Some guy was spamming about 2 new areas being released in an update really soon. Just wanted to know if this was confirmed.
I am suspicious because i am not expecting new stuff with out expansions. (I only expect new areas with expansions.)
Just wanted to make sure, it is possible to add areas but i didnt think they would do it without an expansion.
Confirm new areas?
They added the 2 new areas you're speaking of last week, maybe the week before. Grenth's Footprint and something else...there's information about it on Guild Wars Guru homepage,, and pretty much every other site. They added them through an online update. They've been saying for quite awhile that they would add new areas through the streaming updates.
Those areas weren't actually added in yet, they were just announced. Think they will be put them in sometime in the summer. They will be free additions to the game, not a part of the expansion that will be out early next year.
Originally Posted by Zeppelin
They added the 2 new areas you're speaking of last week, maybe the week before. Grenth's Footprint and something else...there's information about it on Guild Wars Guru homepage,, and pretty much every other site. They added them through an online update. They've been saying for quite awhile that they would add new areas through the streaming updates.
they haven't added it in yet........through my knowledge its coming in the near future free of charge......^_^
Ahh. Well, guess I jumped the gun there. I remembered seeing a screenshot or something and thought it was already in the game. Must've just been the press release information about it I guess. :P