Twice now, I've had a long quest ruined by henchmen getting stuck someplace and while I'm off dying.
We NEED a /killallhenchmen command!
Those Damned Henchmen!
Saridley Kronah
I second this
Just happened to me. I'm on the ring of fire mission and just got quite far on my first try. The two healers (mhenlo and lina) have got stuck in the same spot.
My mesmer, elementalist and a warrior have died.
So that leaves me, devona and cynn to finish the mission.
I have some healing spells but no res because i "forgot" it....d'oh!
(tweaks mhenlos ear "ouch!")
My mesmer, elementalist and a warrior have died.
So that leaves me, devona and cynn to finish the mission.
I have some healing spells but no res because i "forgot" it....d'oh!
(tweaks mhenlos ear "ouch!")
Henchmen need to have commands period, an interface that allows you to tell them where to go how to do it and blah blah blah. Theres been many a times(just yesterday infact) on Ring Of Fire where a monk ran into the enemies, even though the group was outside of their attack range to go rez a fallen hencie. At that time we coudldn't take the hored cuz one guy went AFK at that moment(LOOOONG mission/long afk break*sigh*) and it was just me and 3 others, I was the only warrior besides the dead henchies. Well, it attracted atleast 10 things and we all died cept for two people. I had Rebirth too. Henchmen should NOT rez if theres is a human monk in the party(thats alive and not in combat) I've noticed the henchies rez mid right which is good and all..leave that in
Siephl Marks
Ok thats the last straw! Im moving to the UK...asap..