I've heard that scamming is a big problem in GW and I've seen this first hand myself. Someone tried to sell me a bow once claiming it was 15-20 dmg and indeed when I hovered my cursor over it, it did have these stats. However, when I was about to accept, the trade box disappeared, but reappeared shortly afterwards. I hovered over the bow again only to realise that its stats had drastically changed from 20dmg max to 12 dmg.
This really annoyed me and I would have liked to PvP him then and there, because I knew he would probably try this same trick with some hapless victim.
Recently I played NWN where a lot of modules are created by players. It also makes use of signposts and noticeboards to inform players where updates and changes have been made in the game. Couldn't the developers use this system to put up a 'warning/wanted' noticeboard up to warn new players of notorious cheats and scammers? It would be a kind of naming and shaming system and would hopefully put off players trying to bilk others of their gold.
A possible way to deal with scammers
Red Cross Knight
I'd prefer tried and tested bannings, myself. That or cutting their hands off.
i think the best way is to stay smart