It has come to the attention to players as they are finding out that ArenaNet has made casinos illegal, and are now enforcing their Rules of Conduct, that there a misunderstanding on Rule #5.
When communicating in Guild Wars using Global Chat (including, without limitation, server wide chat and use of the whisper command), you may not spam, flood, or make duplicate posts. For more information, please see the User Agreement section 4 (j).
Therefore, from this statement, this means that advertising Wanting to Sell and Wanting to Buy clearly breaks this rule. How? The developers designed this game with a channel known as Trade, which serves as a channel to advertise sell and buy items. Because they had this in mind, any post of this nature would be considered as spamming/flooding the Global channel with a duplicate message(s). Now a problem does arise for guild leaders or guild officers that are recruiting members. Do they use the Global channel and constantly make changes to their sentence to avoid a duplicate message, or what channel should they use? This of course is a question that should be answered by ArenaNet directly and not by players.
(Well I have not looked at the user agreement, because I cannot find it online anywhere, and it may answer this question.)
So what are your thoughts to what I have said up above, do you agree or disagree and why?