RP forum?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

righteous Judgement

Is it just me or does nobody really roleplay in this forum. I mean alot of people talk about it and everyone has a post at "The INN." But every attempt to get a storyline thread going doesn't make it past one or two posts. Why is this?

It seemed to be like this at the roleplay forum for "The Guild Hall" website as well. Alot of people talking about Rp'ing, nobody doing it. Does everybody mean just in-game? I'm confused.
I got excited about it because I saw some great threads in the WoW forum and I don't even play it, but the storylines were great. I know we have plenty of creative minds out there. Is everyone just waiting for the right thread to come along or what?

Death By Hesitation


Join Date: Apr 2005

Playboy Mansion

Idk man but its dead as shisha in here dont expect much


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Richmond, Virginia

I was going to attempt to make a thread or two to stimulate the activity in here, but the fact is there is very little, if any, interest in the forums. I haven't met that many people in game as it is that roleplay. Were it not for the fact that this game was free, I would have dumped it a long time ago. I'm just waiting for some of the new MMROPGs to hit the shelves.

If you want to do a little RPing on here, I'd be more than willing to start a story with you.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

righteous Judgement

well I started one yesterday... or the day before. (See :Adventurer's Wanted!" Below)
Had plenty of views. No bites though.... just didn't catch anyones fancy I guess.