is this a good combo professions
is it good to combo these two professions(ranger+Necro) or these two(ranger+warrior)
plz help me decide.
plz help me decide.
r/w is always nice. Can't get enough of those tactic skills

yeah but if you have a r/n then you can have animal pets and undead pets to do you close range fighting while you set back and launch arrows at the mobs or pvps
Necro pets are very energy draining.
Hmm I started out as a r/w however you make a good point about haveing both pets to attack while you stand back and shoot them. However I have not played N yet how does it work can you raise any kind of animal to kill for you or only bone type monster's?
You raise a minnion from any dead thing.
i have not got to play yet so i am only trying to get opinions on the game.
what are the things written under our names is it a ranking system.
Think about it this way. What skill from either line compliments your play style the most? There is no real "bad" combination of classes. Just combinations that do not work for the individual.
I like R/N and R/W about the same. I use R/W more with my disrupt ranger for Bonetti's. And I use Necro with my offensive Poison Ranger.
I like R/N and R/W about the same. I use R/W more with my disrupt ranger for Bonetti's. And I use Necro with my offensive Poison Ranger.
It's just post count but without a number.
The only problem with being r/n and trying to raise minions is the energy cost. Bone horrors are the basic cheap summon skill, and that is 15 energy, that wont be discounted by a rangers expertise bonus. The necro primary attribute, soul reaping, offsets the cost by giving you energy whenever something dies. But as a ranger, I dont think you'd have enough energy to raise and keep minions alive. But if you did curses as a R/N i think that would go well with ranger.
Actually, one thing just occured to me on that topic. Maybe someone out there has tried this. R/N, cast Mark of Pain on an enemy, for 30 seconds whenever target foe takes physical damage mark of pain deals 10-34 shadow damage to adjacent enemies.
Then fire a barrage at that target. That would be 10-30 shadow damage + barrage damage to all the enemies in a group. That could be pretty cool.
Actually, one thing just occured to me on that topic. Maybe someone out there has tried this. R/N, cast Mark of Pain on an enemy, for 30 seconds whenever target foe takes physical damage mark of pain deals 10-34 shadow damage to adjacent enemies.
Then fire a barrage at that target. That would be 10-30 shadow damage + barrage damage to all the enemies in a group. That could be pretty cool.
The good thing about the game is that you can always reroll a pvp character to test it out on player characters. Good skills, how much damage it'll do etc etc. I always like to reroll a pvp char when I find new skills. Besides when you turn 20 you can change your 2nd profession too. So rest assured that the time you spent making your first lvl 20 char won't go to waste if you want to go R/W or R/Ne. End game you can do both with the same char. Just have fun with the story line till you get there.
As to the question at hand. Depends on your playstyle. if you want up close and personal action go warrior. If you like to lay back a little and nuke play necro.
As to the question at hand. Depends on your playstyle. if you want up close and personal action go warrior. If you like to lay back a little and nuke play necro.
thank you all for your opinions they helped me i think that i am going to try a ranger elementalist. does that sound good.
Fye Duron
I play a R/N right now and while the Necro pet build can be fun I find using more Ranger skills and a couple of Necro curse to work nicely...
how would a r/e work together though.
do you think that they might work good together
do you think that they might work good together