ok i've never really had a problem running guild wars even though my computer is not top of the line.. today i am repeatedly crashing out of the game.. keep getting the "could not process request" error 7 message.
mostly while i'm near the first beacon point in the borliss pass quest. With a full party usualy during combat.
I run a 340 Intel Celreon D processor (2.93 GHz, 256KB L2 Cache, 533 MHz)
80GB 7200RPM
both my video and sound cards are on motherboard (i believe)
Monitor: HP pavilion mv704 it runs : Intel(r) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics controller
my resulotions are all set for fastest load
i have an everrest report if more info is needed
but could someone oh please oh please help me
Vanessa Locke (nessa locke In game)
repeatedly crashing today
Jahara Zeppelin
Even though your PC should be able to handle all that, try putting all your Graphic Options to Off and Low and such.
tried that.. still having problems...
i wrote down the exact message this time..
"Guild Wars was unable to complete the operation please try again in a few minutes (Err=7)"
someone told me it's my dsl connection... it seems to be fine though.. any other suggestions??/
please help haven't been able to complete anything all day ..
i wrote down the exact message this time..
"Guild Wars was unable to complete the operation please try again in a few minutes (Err=7)"
someone told me it's my dsl connection... it seems to be fine though.. any other suggestions??/
please help haven't been able to complete anything all day ..

Err=7 indicates a network issue.
i changed my firewall so it would allow guildwars no problem.. loads seem a bit faster not that they were that slow to begin wiht.. still crashed.. my dsl is a bit crappy.. i have verizon.. in an area with old lines they refuse to replace.. never had an issue with gw before so i'd hoped it wouldn't be a problem....
i'll wait a few days see how it is.. if the problem persists i'll have a tech look it over for me..... if not then it was a bad day with a crappy dsl line...
thanx for the help all...
any tips would be appreciated still
i'll wait a few days see how it is.. if the problem persists i'll have a tech look it over for me..... if not then it was a bad day with a crappy dsl line...
thanx for the help all...
any tips would be appreciated still

I have to report that I've been experiencing the exact same issue all evening. I've had maybe two or three 'Err=7' messages since release day, but today anytime I try to login it works for a few minutes, starts lagging and then drops out.
I've checked my router/firewall config, cleared my dns cache, reset my modem... even called my ISP, and they couldn't see anything wrong with the connection on their end.
Until this evening, it worked perfectly...
I've checked my router/firewall config, cleared my dns cache, reset my modem... even called my ISP, and they couldn't see anything wrong with the connection on their end.
Until this evening, it worked perfectly...
so at least it's not just me... i'm hopin maybe tomorrow i'll finaly advance past borliss pass... where i am stuck right now due to this error thing.. just triesd agian.. in great group got to ice dryders and bvoom.. login screen error 7....
I didn't have any error 7 problems, but, last night, the game was totally weirding out on us. I think two of our party got booted, and then the other guy and I explored for an hour or two. Monsters and us were teleporting all over the place, and walking in the middle of things. He was getting the same weirdness. Get this: back when we had the entire party still, everyone else but me was killed by a huge mob of INVISIBLE monsters. I ran like hell and survived to res somebody else. Also, it seemed like monster hits were stacking up...in one blow, 3/4 of your health would be gone (dealt from a monster not capable of that).
FPS, bytes/sec seemed to be fine.
Invisible monsters...sheesh.
FPS, bytes/sec seemed to be fine.
Invisible monsters...sheesh.
Originally Posted by Svenn
I didn't have any error 7 problems, but, last night, the game was totally weirding out on us. I think two of our party got booted, and then the other guy and I explored for an hour or two. Monsters and us were teleporting all over the place, and walking in the middle of things. He was getting the same weirdness. Get this: back when we had the entire party still, everyone else but me was killed by a huge mob of INVISIBLE monsters. I ran like hell and survived to res somebody else. Also, it seemed like monster hits were stacking up...in one blow, 3/4 of your health would be gone (dealt from a monster not capable of that).
FPS, bytes/sec seemed to be fine. Invisible monsters...sheesh. |
Final Fantazy
I'd like to add that i've played every single Beta event and been playing since release and never really had any problems what-so-ever...until today, it has been absolute hell, err=7 every 10-20 minutes of play, i've done every single test ranging from pinging, through to contacting my ISP (Verizon DSL) and having them run every test they can, all passed satisfactorily, ipconfig /all indicated no problems whatsoever either, so i'm going to guess that err=7 is a network issue, but on Arenanets end, its not possible to be anything else. Today I've not been able to play at all because of them, im hoping for a quick fix for this.
I'm guessing Err=7 should be renamed/relabeled into something related to excessive server capacity, as i'm just pretty sure arenanet is randomly 'booting' people off as the game is just completely filled, thats my theory.
On other guild wars forums, people are saying that its Arenanet doing live maintaince on the game and that is causing these err=7s.
My system is:
AMD 3400
1 gig ram
ATI Rad 9800 pro
SB Audigy 2
10/100/1000 netgear network card
Verizon DSL
Also, i'll like to add, i've experienced to weird problems a couple of times, the only way to explain it as my character going completely out of sync with the game but not being booted offline, I could move around, but I would be teleported back to the same spot I went out of sync.
I'm guessing Err=7 should be renamed/relabeled into something related to excessive server capacity, as i'm just pretty sure arenanet is randomly 'booting' people off as the game is just completely filled, thats my theory.
On other guild wars forums, people are saying that its Arenanet doing live maintaince on the game and that is causing these err=7s.
My system is:
AMD 3400
1 gig ram
ATI Rad 9800 pro
SB Audigy 2
10/100/1000 netgear network card
Verizon DSL
Also, i'll like to add, i've experienced to weird problems a couple of times, the only way to explain it as my character going completely out of sync with the game but not being booted offline, I could move around, but I would be teleported back to the same spot I went out of sync.
There's a good read in the "Verizon dsl user must read" sticky about that "err=7" error.
It is a network issue and from the looks of it doesn't have many solutions except getting a static IP.
I'm glad I found this forum, lotsa good info going round. Good thing it's "fluff off Monday" at work.
It is a network issue and from the looks of it doesn't have many solutions except getting a static IP.
I'm glad I found this forum, lotsa good info going round. Good thing it's "fluff off Monday" at work.