Originally Posted by Agent Dark Bootie
i just realized that and i AGREE
the fact is that there are, IMO, quite a few guilds..... A LOT OF GUILDS! i dont like it how can you have an enemy guild if there are so many to choose from? plus alot of guilds bought and earned their capes guilds and guild halls a while ago during the previous betas and now the rest of us have to work HARD for it i also think guilds should be taken off and people should have to earn one the hard way that way there arent any guilds made by people who just want to go to a place and scream "LOOKING FOR PEOPLES @ BE IN MIE GILD!!!!" and then all they do is say "what now?" the only groups, IMO, that should be guilds is a group of friends or serious players |
Ok, good idea,
Now how do you decipher serious players from the usual riff-raff
Because you didn't come up with an idea of how to I will for you.
To decipher between deserving players they need to base it on the players in the guild, i have two suggestions. Either you can only make a guild at a certain level, and can only join guilds at a certain level, then you cant get a guild cape or guildhall till one of your players is at a certain level, so you Basically work to earn your guild credentials.
Have a leagues system like in sports,you enter a tournament, you have various things such as Play-offs, quarter finals semi finals etc. then the winning guild goes up to the next League. I recommend the leagues be named ina grade system (A B C D...) then there will be many different leagues for each grade (like the district system in towns) to support the amount of guild there are. Then when you get to say, League C you can have a cape, etc.
Then maybe if a guild doesn't get out of league F in a certain number of tournaments or in a certain amount of time, the guild is destroyed because its apparent that they either dont deserve one or they made it for the pure skae of having one (perhaps if that happened the price of guilds would have to be lowered).
Please give me feedback on this idea.