Splitting Europe for Favor

Slade xTekno

Slade xTekno


Join Date: Apr 2005

Read or Die Stooge Forum


I believe Europe should be split into two: One for English-speakers and one for those who can't.

The reason I propose this is to fix the current imbalance of the Favor of the Gods. If everyone were in their own realm, the simple fact that the players are located in different time zones should solve the problem. However, due to the fact that Europe and the Pacific's English-speakers normally do not play in their realm, but ours, the Favor is heavily tilted toward America due simply to the volume of players.

Yes, you can say "Quality over Quantity." If you do simple math, these go hand-in-hand. Yes, in a smaller pool, the generalization "the more people, the more better people" may not hold true. In Guild Wars, we have an enormous pool of individuals and intellects, which makes the generalization very feasible.

Please post your comments.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

IMO this doesn't make much of a different splitting who can speak english and who can't its still europe but just divide the people who can and who can't speak english. But we can't keep the favor for europe it still tilting towards America or Korea for the favor of god.
But on the good side that you don't see german, french ect... poping up all over local in whichever town/camp/city your in.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Zaragoza, Spain



I'm with madness2k4, you cant regroup europe splitting it in 2 .

You'll end with almost all those that can speak english in the english districts (I'm spanish and since the spanish community seems to be little, I'll go to the "english-europe"; in fact I play my game in english UI because it is easier for me to read item, skills, etc names in webs/forums)

Also, you could end with people (german/french/spanish/etc) that can't speak english complaining about "non-english-europe" never keeping the favor


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

splitting europe is nonsense. europe is the weakest at the moment. why make it weaker?

split the US in eastcost and westcost. because the US is the strongest of all (due to the mass of players) so if you want to split a region it should be the US

I totally agree that it is a shame that people don't speak english in the public chats, but there is nothing you can do about

Today I was in a team with 2 french people. They hardly spoke any english, but we completed 2 quests and nearly the third one, but i got disconnected we have communicated using the 'map' where you can draw. it worked great.

the only thing that really makes me sad is, that many europeans go to the US server, because there all people can understand each other... But I don't see a possibility to step them going to the US servers...

john little

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

UK, EU Server

And All That Could Have Been [AATC]


I think it would be useful to be able to somehow illustrate your language, be it via name colour changes or whatever. I personally don't find it that difficult to understand other euopeans (after all, english has enough latin, french and germanic derived words) especially with the decent map tools, its more obvious when someone is going off doing their own thing, pulling mobs etc. and not being able to understand them.

Mr. Matt

Mr. Matt

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Split the English? Jeeze, there's hardly anyone to play with at some times in the European servers as it is! At least there are some people on the continent who can speak English when the occasion calls for it, so if there's no-one English around I can still hang out with a French or German guy...

I guess this'll teach us Limeys for not bothering to learn any foreign languages :/.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Zaragoza, Spain



Originally Posted by Mr. Matt
Split the English? Jeeze, there's hardly anyone to play with at some times in the European servers as it is! At least there are some people on the continent who can speak English when the occasion calls for it, so if there's no-one English around I can still hang out with a French or German guy...

I guess this'll teach us Limeys for not bothering to learn any foreign languages :/.
Well, I think the idea in "splitting" goes more in the way of easying people to be in districts where almost everyone talks in his language.

More on this thread:


BTW, I can speak spanish (native language) and english, didn't/don't have the time to also learn french, german, finnish, italian, portuguese, etc (those are the languages I mostly find in european servers)

Lady Leara

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Splitting the Europe doesnt make sense. US has the most number of players, and I agree that the US should be split in to East and West.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Splitting Europe would be a terrible idea.

Allowing players to set their own "Preferred Language" and then having European players automatically put into appropriate districts would be a far better move. It would provide a form of automatic organization to forming parties, I would think (dunno, I'm an American player.)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Zaragoza, Spain



Arenanet has heard our prayers!


For players on the European servers, there will be different districts for each supported language: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Players will be placed by default into the district that matches their current language preference, but they will still be able to travel to any available district.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Nost en Naeramarth


I think splitting Europe is a bad idea.

Guildwars Europe is still upcoming because it was easier to take part in the BWEs for america and korea than Europe. So the majority of european players has less pvp experience.
That is why there are few good guilds beeing able to hold the HoH and gain the favor of the gods.

time will show


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I think the OP means splitting Europe into language districts, while still keeping it one area HoH-wise. That way the multitude of English speaking people that fled the "Nur Deutsch" or "Français Seulement" group spam by migrating to the American servers can come back to the European servers.

My guild is about 80% European, who are all very wiling to try to communicate with their group and fellow players to the best of their abilities. The communicative skills of most players in this game, however, are already very low because of the fleeting nature of PUG contact, and even more hampered by people unable and/or unwilling to breach the language barricades. A lot of these people also seem new to MMORPGs and the necessity for communication in these types of games, and are probably unable to speak anything but their mothertongue because they just got to middleschool.

Therefore, most of my guild (primarily non-native English speakers), and a lot of other English speaking players in European prime time (I'd guesstimate around 50% of the people I meet in the American districts) are now playing on the American servers, giving the America's an even bigger chance on the Favor of the Gods. European language districts mights alleviate this, but might not be enough to return because of the generally more mature and experienced American players..

(And who'd have thought a Euro would be saying THAT about Americans )

Gore Wood 18 R/Me
Phlux Perpetua 10 E/Mo

Mayar third Keeper

Mayar third Keeper

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Slade xTekno
Yes, you can say "Quality over Quantity." If you do simple math, these go hand-in-hand.

It comes to _Quality_ in the 8vs8 Maps and to _Quantity_ in the 8vs8vs8 or
8vs8 8vs8 8vs8 maps. If Arenanet would fix these maps to "Qualilty win" there will be no problem of winning the HoH for Europe any more.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Titus_Nefarius

European language districts mights alleviate this, but might not be enough to return because of the generally more mature and experienced American players..
Do you mean the maturity of the players attitude or the fact they know what they are doing in the game itself?

Personally, i agree with some of the above posts. There are more American teams winning the HoH because of the Euro English speakers, namely the Brits who upped sticks to play with there English speaking cousins in the US.
Not saying this would make much difference as the US is a big gaming market, but don't forget the almost 600 million population of Europe if you include Russia in that too. (Apparently they are classed as Europe now)

Maybe people don;t play because they think there is no one playing on the Euro servers who speaks English and don't know about the ability to switch to US servers.

I have met quite a lot of players who come from Europe while on the American Districts. I would consider moving back to the Euro servers to illeviate some lag, there would be less Spam to worry about too, and it would even the odds in bringing players back to the Euro Servers.
There must be at least a few 100000 players who have moved to the American servers. Just a guess. May be less. Would be good if it is that many.

Anyway, only time will tell as to how this plays out.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Zero Tolerance


Splitting America would be a horrible idea, welcome back to MMORPG servers. One nice selling point about Guild Wars is not having to worry about what server you are playing on to play with your friends.