Put a rune of holding inside a 5 slot belt pouch and click "Transmute"
How about a little blue button in the chat window that does absolutely nothing...
What do you think?
The Guild Wars secret cow level.
D2 is dead.
D2 is dead.
I don't like the idea of including a "gag zone" even though the cow level was neat... but for some weird reason I find the idea of a useless button that you can turn off and on interesting... >.<
I don't think D2 is dead. Dying maybe...
Nobody can deny it's "Longevity"
It's still a great game that I break out and play for 8 hours every 4-6 months... You know... whenever I get tired of downloading Bit Torrents...
<Did I say that out loud?>
I don't think D2 is dead. Dying maybe...
Nobody can deny it's "Longevity"
It's still a great game that I break out and play for 8 hours every 4-6 months... You know... whenever I get tired of downloading Bit Torrents...
<Did I say that out loud?>

One other thing to add.
I think the reason I created this thread is to make the very valid comparison of D2 and GW...
Cuz GW connects you to SO MANY people, and you don't have to pay money every month to keep it live...
It's basicly the New Diablo... Even though the two games are completely different.
From now on, THIS will be the game I "Fall Back On"
Won't you?
I think the reason I created this thread is to make the very valid comparison of D2 and GW...
Cuz GW connects you to SO MANY people, and you don't have to pay money every month to keep it live...
It's basicly the New Diablo... Even though the two games are completely different.
From now on, THIS will be the game I "Fall Back On"
Won't you?
Originally Posted by Witt78
I don't think D2 is dead. Dying maybe... Nobody can deny it's "Longevity" It's still a great game that I break out and play for 8 hours every 4-6 months... You know... whenever I get tired of downloading Bit Torrents... <Did I say that out loud?> ![]() |
If not providing a clue about the existence of a secret rabbit level?
Originally Posted by Helios
You can only play single player for so long. That's why I played it online. However, when I left D2, there was maphack, pickit, duping, server crashes, countess bots, meph bots, pindle bots, baal bots, you name it. The game was totally destroyed by the community. I kept seeing people that were new to the game saying how they NEEDED to get such-and-such hack. I would say a good 95% of the gamers were using hacks and Blizzard did nothing to stop it when that number was significantly lower. However, if I wanted to compare this to any other free online game, I'd compare it to MuOnline where every hack (duping, editors and such) they have discovered has been patched, a concept too hard for Blizzard to grasp. Sorry for the excessive rant, its just that I invested a lot of time playing D2 and felt let down. But I'm happy with GW!
But in the end, it all comes down to fun... I never play Diablo for more than 4-6 weeks at a time... And when I do play the game, I gotta Pay Pal somebody 4.95 for a Windforce or somefin' before I stand a chance... But while I play, I have fun.
To be honest... I don't know how it's possible to NOT enjoy a video game... Any game I don't enjoy is a game I don't play...
You have a TOTALY Valid point. And I know exactly how you feel, cuz I quit playing D2 everytime for that very same reason.
<=== Me thinks GW will be a good replacement for my scratched up old dusty D2 discs...
- P.S. -
Blizzard = Good
B.Net = Satin ate some bad fish...
How about the Secret Gnome Level that is somehow related to Gwen's Tapestry Shred?
All joking aside... I want so see some Epic PvE raids...
Ahhh! I remember that first Everquest raid into Velketor's Labrynth... 85 guildies marching to thier deaths at the hands of Velks... The 85 foot tall wizard with 2 million Hit Points.
It took like 4 hours of preparation and planning. A 45 minute battle with Velketor. then another 4 hours draggin our corpses out of his throne room. Hehe.
Now Guild Wars does not have huge time sinks like Everquest does, but WOW that Shizzle was Me Nizzle!
Ahhh! I remember that first Everquest raid into Velketor's Labrynth... 85 guildies marching to thier deaths at the hands of Velks... The 85 foot tall wizard with 2 million Hit Points.
It took like 4 hours of preparation and planning. A 45 minute battle with Velketor. then another 4 hours draggin our corpses out of his throne room. Hehe.
Now Guild Wars does not have huge time sinks like Everquest does, but WOW that Shizzle was Me Nizzle!