i bought my mesmer armor Enchanter's Attire in Doknars for 1,5 k
but later i saw Enchanter's Attire in Marhan's Grotto for 15k
how i know the armors for 15k have other look. but specially this 15k armor "Enchanter's Attire" seems to have the same looking like the one for 1,5k
someone bought it allready? or has some info if the look s really the same?
coz on all the other armors i see diffrences. except Enchanter's Attire
mesmer armor for 15k Enchanter's Attire looks same?
I bought the ele Aero set from Droknars, then went to the grotto, and it seems to look the same as the 1.5k set as well.
this is strange.
than it would mean = money for air? o_O
than it would mean = money for air? o_O