Can you make a command that will transport you to the nearest clear spot if your character gets stuck in something (like a raised platform)?
Last night my monk got stuck inside one of the raised platforms the Summit Engineers are on in Borlis Pass. It happened when I clicked on a party member to heal them and my monk ran right inside the platform and stopped. I couldn't get her out. I tried clicking in every direction, on other party members, etc. Nothing worked.
It was very frustrating while I had to wait for the rest of the party to finish the mission. Which they didn't, because they all eventually died.
Requesting an /unstuck command
Lady Leara
Yes I second that. Yesterday I went deep in the mission and I ran in to a little corner of a cliff and I got stuck there, couldnt get out. Tried everything but all I could do is to Map out and lose 40 minutes of walking... kind of furstrated.
I agree. Should be a stuck command for whenever you get stuck and cant get out.
Originally Posted by spikydude
I agree. Should be a stuck command for whenever you get stuck and cant get out.
one is guaranteed IF available the other is chancy
IF you can walk to any zone EXCEPT a public place which breaks your instance (lowlands to breech for example)you will get all party members with you
your character walked to where they are and if you move around the *stuck* character at a distance (most of the los circle ) and you move a bit around the circle at a time and then move away you can see if it tries to move to follow you
i have been able to unstick several this way (at least 1 in 3)