ranger bosses for elite skills >.>
i dont know how to say this but sheer frustration of seeing ranger bosses i.w like troll bosses or dragon facet etc prefering to fight hand to hand rather than use their ranger skills except for troll urgent is very frustrating. why make close combat mobs as ranger bosses? kind of makes grinding for elites even worse when you a ranger. Only bosses i see use ranger elites are grawl with bows and markis and thats it. Can something be done or fixed about it its extremely annoying to see 95% of time ranger bosses meeleeing only
I ranger facet used it's elite skill when I was there, as did the necro one (but I only had one siginet so I'll have to go back
). Seriously though, I think it would look kinda funny, watching that dragon use a bow

Rahne Sinclaire
Well, the dragon wouldn't have to use a bow, but at least some form of ranged attack would make sense.
Bone dragons use choking gas all the time....so they do shoot stuff :P