Post pics of Rangers please
Hey, Today I made a secondary R/E char. My prim W/M is getting old, and well... boring. Can someone please post the later armor in the game like in Yaks, not as far as Droknors well you can post that to lol
Infinite Sadness
most armor for rangers look the same (i dunno bout the 15k ones tho). so pics wont mean much.
here's my R/Me Dias The Swift in scenic Kessex Peak
wearing studded leather (should of stuck to druids' armor )
wearing studded leather (should of stuck to druids' armor )
heres what my ranger looked like back at level 15 with druid armor
nice, thx guys. They dont look really the same or its just me lol.
attatched, my ranger, in full marhans grotto 60 k drakescale dyed blue. someone said i looked like zub zero from mortal combat lol
also saw another guy today with the very same armor, in the same color, but i swear i was first! lol
also saw another guy today with the very same armor, in the same color, but i swear i was first! lol
Me in my 1.5K Druid set.
One of my better images aswell, fits my last name
One of my better images aswell, fits my last name
I have a few of my screens HERE ...
My ranger's name is Edgar Nightbow, this is his new 1.5k Druid armor...
My ranger's name is Edgar Nightbow, this is his new 1.5k Druid armor...