Should this website be made the next fansite friday?
I know Gaile is the actual person who gets to deside this things but do you think is worthy to be the next fansite friday? or that it should be? There's atleast 25 articles on the website, most of them written by Isbot, each pages long and a lot of time and thought put in to each one. It just seems that this website has just gone un-noticed. To be honest it seems like the recent fansite friday websites have little work put in to them, either copying and pasting things from other websites or simply just owning a website and spending an hour on content seemed to get them on to the list. Meanwhile I see articles from this website being linked to from other fansites and guild forums, even more so than the actual fansite friday websites them selves.
Sadly no website has every been chosen twice for a fansite friday. So I wouldn't expect them to make an exception but this sites fansite friday questions were the best .
I was saying for the next fansite friday (or any other future friday), And I was talking about the actual websites, not the questions they got to ask.
lol im a tard time to get a new prescription seems i can't see to well. Read "this" website in the title and naturaly just thought this as in guru website and totaly didn't look at the link.
Yeah, looks like a nice site the keepers seem to put alot of thought into the game id like to see some questions from them.
Yeah, looks like a nice site the keepers seem to put alot of thought into the game id like to see some questions from them.
I'm not sure that anyone would really want next week's Fansite Friday. It is, after all, April Fool's Day. And that means there's all the annoying connotations that go along with it. "Was that answer real, or was it just a joke?"
The week after that, I know that ANZ is hosting the Fansite Friday. And the week after that, if the patterns hold true, will again be hosted on the Official site (as they tend to do FSFs about what users can expect to see new in the oncoming BWE) after that is anybody's guess.
The week after that, I know that ANZ is hosting the Fansite Friday. And the week after that, if the patterns hold true, will again be hosted on the Official site (as they tend to do FSFs about what users can expect to see new in the oncoming BWE) after that is anybody's guess.
Hrm, I do agree with StandardAI for the most part here. That website ( ) does appear to have put in considerably more time and effort to their presentation and overall outlook on Guild Wars than some of the other sites that have been featured on the F.F. I concur that it probably should be considered purely on the weatlth of information provided on it.
Who cares if next friday is April 1st. It IS only for the morning afterall and we're all mature enough to realise that any site that made on there would likely not be a farce, unless it was woefully obvious (completely unrelated, looked like it was written by a 12 year old, or blatently a joke).
Who cares if next friday is April 1st. It IS only for the morning afterall and we're all mature enough to realise that any site that made on there would likely not be a farce, unless it was woefully obvious (completely unrelated, looked like it was written by a 12 year old, or blatently a joke).
Gaile Gray
Well, a few things.
- Judging at just a glance, the site in question isn't a Guild Wars fansite. They may feature Guild Wars analyses or other content, and they may be very good indeed at what they do. But from what I saw in the quick look -- and I've looked before but not recently -- they're not a site that would qualify under the GWCFP, and Fansite Fridays are intended only for Guild Wars fansites.
- We have a host for this week's FF. And for several weeks out.
- I have no intention of doing a silly April Fool's joke with our next FF host. That would be mean! Ok, maybe a small joke or two, but they deserve their real answers, so if I start talking silly, you'll know that it will contain meaty content, too!
- I hope that fans will always feel free to recommend a site for a FF!
- Always do be assured that we're interested in knowing about up-and-coming fansites. Nearly always the webmasters get in touch when they're ready for us to take a peek, but it's great to learn about potential stars on the horizon.
And that's exactly the type of post I was expecting you to make.
Having been launched as a website for less then a month and even being mentioned for something prestigious like the fansite friday is a great honor. We really appreciate the kind words said about our site in this thread and on other places throughout the web. Currently we have new Guild Wars content added at least every other day as we are actively working to make our site a strong resource in the Guild Wars community.
Within our first few days of launch (beyond friends and family) we wrote the Guild Wars Community Fansite Program address with the intention of becoming a fansite. We have read through the requirements and our Guild Wars page was designed with the intention that we would be able to be a fansite.
However, we understand that things like that are a process and take time (and being alive we noticed a BWE in the middle of this time period) so we still look forward to an official response from Guild Wars saying "your site will be added as a listed fansite (with future upgrades possible!) or your site cannot be added at this time until you change...with a list to follow." We want to reassure our fans that if it is within our power we will indeed become a listed Guild Wars fansite and would certainly be willing to host a Fansite Friday if the opportunity ever arose.
Thanks again,
Good Gaming,
[email protected]
Within our first few days of launch (beyond friends and family) we wrote the Guild Wars Community Fansite Program address with the intention of becoming a fansite. We have read through the requirements and our Guild Wars page was designed with the intention that we would be able to be a fansite.
However, we understand that things like that are a process and take time (and being alive we noticed a BWE in the middle of this time period) so we still look forward to an official response from Guild Wars saying "your site will be added as a listed fansite (with future upgrades possible!) or your site cannot be added at this time until you change...with a list to follow." We want to reassure our fans that if it is within our power we will indeed become a listed Guild Wars fansite and would certainly be willing to host a Fansite Friday if the opportunity ever arose.
Thanks again,
Good Gaming,
[email protected]