guild capes (toggleable)
i justy wanted to suggest that there be a toggle button so you dont have to wear your guild cape if you dont want to that is all.
I think this would be nice as well.
i have one idea along similar lines, with guild capes, which may end up with me getting shot down in flames, but, here goes
why not have 3 different styles of guild capes, for the different ranks in a guild, for example..........
normal members wear the tabards which were used during beta events
officers wear the cloaks in use for all guild members now
guild leaders have longer cloaks, possibly with fancy shoulderpads
anyway, thats the suggestion
why not have 3 different styles of guild capes, for the different ranks in a guild, for example..........
normal members wear the tabards which were used during beta events
officers wear the cloaks in use for all guild members now
guild leaders have longer cloaks, possibly with fancy shoulderpads
anyway, thats the suggestion
thats an interesting idea.. :-D
yeah i like it. It would sure help people outside of a guild distuinguish who's a guild leader or an officer.
If I had to wear a bib, I'd quit playing. 
Seriously, if they were to implement different capes for different tiers, they should be chosen by the guild.

Seriously, if they were to implement different capes for different tiers, they should be chosen by the guild.
I like the idea of different capes/aesthetics for different ranks. Lol leaders get a burger king crown :B
Originally Posted by Dubby
I like the idea of different capes/aesthetics for different ranks. Lol leaders get a burger king crown :B
some kind of headgear for the leaders, there could be something in that
a crown of sorts might work with that idea, maybe a crown that can be seen when the leader is in town, but, when they are out on missions, you wouldn't see it because of the headgear they were wearing
Xavz made a good point too, with the capes being chosen by the guild itself, the tabard/cloak/long fancy cloak thing was just a rough outline, used for an example, so what say it goes like this..........
member - tabard or waist length cape
officer - knee length cape (like now) or another option which i can't think of right now
leader - maybe a crown which becomes part of character look in town, or an ankle length cape
heres another idea thats just popped into my head, what if the guild members had to buy the capes? yes, i know it costs 2 plat to get the capes, but, that is just for the design, i was thinking more along the lines of the idea that the merchants sell the different ranked capes, which, i beleive would help with the idea of choice for look, if it worked along the lines of each rank having 2 or 3 different cape styles, as suggested above, as a rough price guild, maybe.............
member - 10 gold (nice and cheap for newly recruited starter members)
officer - 100 gold (somebody who is a guild officer SHOULD have been playing a bit longer than just a member, so this should be no problem)
leader - 1 plat (i know this may seem excessive to some people, but, if an officer cloak is ten times the price of a member cloak, then surely the same rule should apply to the leader cloak for fairness)
also, i know there are quite a few players who would not buy capes simply because they are an aestetic (spelling) touch, and would prefer to put the money to use elsewhere, but, maybe if the cloaks gave a slight boost to something as well, it would encourage people to buy capes, i'm not talking anything stupid along the lines of + huge amounts of health or anything, just a simple armour boost would probably suffice
member + 5 armour
officer +10 armour
leader +20 armour
just as a thought
anyway, thats the ideas i've had pop into my head from the replies to my first post in here, comments made here, even in jest (Dubby) have given me quite a few ideas to think about, so, thanks for that everybody
With addition armor added to different ranks of a guild, i think they shouldnt be so far apart, maybe 5,8,10 or there'd be alot of solo guilds running about just for the addition +20 armor.
Just a thought [=
Just a thought [=
yes, but i think it would be more with members get plain, officers get a silver line somewhere on the cape, or a silver symbol, and leader gets the gold
With our cape it would be very easy to do that. i think with a lot of capes, cause there is one major symbol in the middle

With our cape it would be very easy to do that. i think with a lot of capes, cause there is one major symbol in the middle
Anno Domini
Good ideas, especially the optional cape.
My guild members didn't want the cape cos they said it hides the character costumes that we achieved with so much effort. They are right. But capes can be visually suitable to some characters.
My guild members didn't want the cape cos they said it hides the character costumes that we achieved with so much effort. They are right. But capes can be visually suitable to some characters.
I agree, and part of the capes should be customizable by member also. incorporating other ideas mentioned (which are all good)
basic cape (all get it for 10g once the initial cape is bought for the guild)=
-no practical bonus, team colored insignia on team colored feild, all members get it, toggle-able, border is customizable (with dyes)
officer cape (pay 100g) =
-small armor bonus (5), team colored insignia on team colored feild, officers only, toggle-able, border and secondary feild (picture a circle with insignia, the circle being the primary feild) customizable (with dyes)
leader cape (pay 1p)
-small armor bonus (10), team colored insignia on team colored feild (with circle visible to designate leader), 1 person only, toggle-able, border, secondary feild and circle (division line between primary and secondary feilds) customizable (by option, no dyes)
EDIT: they really should add "initiates" as probationary members to guilds, who could receive either no cape or a very plain cape that has only
-team colored insignia on team colored feild, no border, non-toggle-able
I also like the idea of having options other than capes such as sashes, vests, belts, etc. (I don't know what etc. could be but I'm quite hungry so thinking is difficult)
basic cape (all get it for 10g once the initial cape is bought for the guild)=
-no practical bonus, team colored insignia on team colored feild, all members get it, toggle-able, border is customizable (with dyes)
officer cape (pay 100g) =
-small armor bonus (5), team colored insignia on team colored feild, officers only, toggle-able, border and secondary feild (picture a circle with insignia, the circle being the primary feild) customizable (with dyes)
leader cape (pay 1p)
-small armor bonus (10), team colored insignia on team colored feild (with circle visible to designate leader), 1 person only, toggle-able, border, secondary feild and circle (division line between primary and secondary feilds) customizable (by option, no dyes)
EDIT: they really should add "initiates" as probationary members to guilds, who could receive either no cape or a very plain cape that has only
-team colored insignia on team colored feild, no border, non-toggle-able
I also like the idea of having options other than capes such as sashes, vests, belts, etc. (I don't know what etc. could be but I'm quite hungry so thinking is difficult)
Originally Posted by Zaraki
With addition armor added to different ranks of a guild, i think they shouldnt be so far apart, maybe 5,8,10 or there'd be alot of solo guilds running about just for the addition +20 armor.
Just a thought [= |
drSLUGFly made a good suggestion as well, concerning things other than capes, which i think could be added to the options for multiple looks, maybe with, i dunno, a guild emblazoner in every guild hall, who, for the right price, could customize, for example, a shield, not adding any extra bonuses to the shield, or increasing armour class, but, simply putting the guild insignia and colours on the shield, this maybe being done in a similar way to crafting, with the emblazoner wanting, instead of materials, like a crafter, various colours of dyes to put the insignia on the shield (think of the guy as a fancy painter)
this idea could be used with all manner of items, as long as the item was big enough (thats why i used a shield as an example, but i don't see why it couldn't be applied to chest armour as another example)
of course, to add to all of this, another thought i had was posed by a question that popped into my head, "what if somebody leaves a guild?"
i suppose that capes would have to be 'guild specific', with, maybe, being a member of that guild being a pre-requisite for using that cloaK, similar in a fashion to how player x can't use a weapon customised for player y
the shield style suggestion i made, that would be a little tougher, at the moment, its half three in the morning, and my heads a little fuzzy, so that, i have no answers to that one, but, i'll have a think tomorrow/later/whatever it is and see if i can think of anything before anybody else does :P
another thought i had, as far as rank recognition goes, might be quite simple to implenment, after all, some people might think that a cape spoils the look of their character, and simply don't want one, the idea being, roughly, a change in the colour of name text when a mouse is hovered over your character
rough example -
no guild - white
member - light blue
officer - dark blue
leader - yellow (or gold maybe)
this way, if somebody doesn't want a cape/tabard/whatever or a guild simply hasn't got one at that time, then people would know at a glance, who was what rank in that guild
comments? suggestions? flames (more than likely)? suggestions i shut up (absolutely)?
Dr Wu
Originally Posted by Kazahana
i justy wanted to suggest that there be a toggle button so you dont have to wear your guild cape if you dont want to that is all.
Dr Wu Md.
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
Well if don't like the idea of armor bonuses for capes. too many guilds wouldhave all officers and such to capitilaze on it.
simple cospetic things like letting a guild chose clasps or fringe for a cape to dentoe officers and leader(and hopefully other hierarichal calssificatiosn) would be nice in the guild and out.
add in the idea of sashes and armbands and even just emblazoned armor would be nice. I mean how sweet is the shining blade tattoo on the Elem? or the Rangers hood sporting that guilds symbol. Styles of capes and cloaks would also be nice as well as a progessivly growing number of Icons for the guilds to choose from i mean how many people do you knwo that use that evil eye, pheonix or sword and ivy logo? or any of the icons for that matter.
simple cospetic things like letting a guild chose clasps or fringe for a cape to dentoe officers and leader(and hopefully other hierarichal calssificatiosn) would be nice in the guild and out.
add in the idea of sashes and armbands and even just emblazoned armor would be nice. I mean how sweet is the shining blade tattoo on the Elem? or the Rangers hood sporting that guilds symbol. Styles of capes and cloaks would also be nice as well as a progessivly growing number of Icons for the guilds to choose from i mean how many people do you knwo that use that evil eye, pheonix or sword and ivy logo? or any of the icons for that matter.
Personally I would just like to see them toogleable.. period. They look daft on some models like the elementalists.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Personally I would just like to see them toogleable.. period. They look daft on some models like the elementalists.
same is true for monks wearing ascetics armor. not to mention, that it's impossible to design a guild cape w/ colors that look good on every char.
all good ideas , but we should all start to notice the Devs dont really give a rats ass what we think as long as they get paid. Until then we're just wasting our time.....
Well then...adding these features to the future expansion packs would be a good idea, wouldn't it?

Originally Posted by Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
Well if don't like the idea of armor bonuses for capes. too many guilds wouldhave all officers and such to capitilaze on it.
simple cospetic things like letting a guild chose clasps or fringe for a cape to dentoe officers and leader(and hopefully other hierarichal calssificatiosn) would be nice in the guild and out. add in the idea of sashes and armbands and even just emblazoned armor would be nice. I mean how sweet is the shining blade tattoo on the Elem? or the Rangers hood sporting that guilds symbol. Styles of capes and cloaks would also be nice as well as a progessivly growing number of Icons for the guilds to choose from i mean how many people do you knwo that use that evil eye, pheonix or sword and ivy logo? or any of the icons for that matter. |
that would stop the idea of all officer guilds, i think
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Personally I would just like to see them toogleable.. period. They look daft on some models like the elementalists.
Originally Posted by kurgan668
an option for this could be the idea of the guild emblazoner i mentioned in a previous post, being able to put the guild logo on items, he could put it onto a peice of armour i figure
great ideas........this will give the game more flexability
Originally Posted by ~GW~Memo
all good ideas , but we should all start to notice the Devs dont really give a rats ass what we think as long as they get paid. Until then we're just wasting our time.....
I think it is a great idea to make guild capes toggleable (I don't care how pretty your cape is, it just does NOT look good on a male mesmer). I do not think it is a good idea to give Officers or Leaders better capes (and this is coming from an officer, folks). It's unnecessary and implies that Officers and Leaders are somehow better or more important (they arn't).
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
I do think the leaders should get something simply so that guild leaders can recognize each other at a glance and arrange guild battles. Same thing with officers(or maybe specific officers) getting something special so that you know they arn't just a random member of the guild but someone more or less in charge.
i agree with the point that nobody is better or worse than anybody else
for an example of that, i've ben playing Guild wars since E3 2003, when i first heard about it, but, i have done VERY little in the way of PvP, only simply trying to stay at the back with a monk, healing the team
but, i've spent so little time in pvp that, to be honest, anybody (even those who have been playing less than a week) who have done half a dozen PvP matches would be able to butcher me
the main ideas behind the better cape suggestions i made are quite simply to allow people to recognise the different ranks in a guild, and so, if they want to join a guild, they would know who to ask
of course, a little diversity in styles, as also suggested, wouldn't harm the game, after all, would it?
the slight armour additions, or something similar, would be, in my opinion, an incentive for people to work hard for a guild, to try to gain rank, for the bonuses, after all, guilds working harder for the benefit of the guild as a whole and not individuals would help the guild structure in the game, i feel
i understand that there are a few guilds out there who simply do not care about its members, we have a newish menber in our guild who has told us of when he was in a different guild, where he had been since day 1 of guild wars release, and, until he joined our guild, had never even been acknowledged as existing by his previous guild, no matter what questions he asked, how many times he asked for help for a mission, or offered it himself, which i think is a bad way for a guild to be run, a guild who helps its members and socialises with its members is more likely to be succesful in general, and to keep its members, by keeping them happy, in my opinion
i seem to have diversified there into sort-of rant territorybut, the point i was trying to make was that the different capes would, mostly, be so that other, non guilded players could tell, at a glance, what rank variou people were in guilds, and so, would know who to ask if they wanted to join a guild
however, i also feel, along these lines, it would help the game if mmbers were able to refer people to guild officers, for potential guild membership, instead of only allowing officers and leaders to do this, i've been told plenty of times by members how they were talking to somebody who wanted to join a guild, and, by the time i'd got online, and sent an invite, another guild had already taken them on
maybe this could be where the idea of an initiate rank could help, members can make people initiates, similar to the referring idea, then, officers can decide wether or not to accept them in, making them members?
and i've gone completely off the point of the original post here, sorry about that, but, i've been awake for 18 hours now, and i've done a 12 hour shift in the middle of that, but, the ideas started coming, and i thought it would be best to just let them out instead of waiting and forgetting them
might also give people a few other ideas to think about, because i'm enjoying this discussion in general, don't know about you lot :P
as a thought though, maybe suggesting armour boosts through capes was the wrong type of example, maybe, as a thought, slight health bonuses instead, something like 10-20-50 extra health, depending on rank in guild
for an example of that, i've ben playing Guild wars since E3 2003, when i first heard about it, but, i have done VERY little in the way of PvP, only simply trying to stay at the back with a monk, healing the team
but, i've spent so little time in pvp that, to be honest, anybody (even those who have been playing less than a week) who have done half a dozen PvP matches would be able to butcher me
the main ideas behind the better cape suggestions i made are quite simply to allow people to recognise the different ranks in a guild, and so, if they want to join a guild, they would know who to ask
of course, a little diversity in styles, as also suggested, wouldn't harm the game, after all, would it?
the slight armour additions, or something similar, would be, in my opinion, an incentive for people to work hard for a guild, to try to gain rank, for the bonuses, after all, guilds working harder for the benefit of the guild as a whole and not individuals would help the guild structure in the game, i feel
i understand that there are a few guilds out there who simply do not care about its members, we have a newish menber in our guild who has told us of when he was in a different guild, where he had been since day 1 of guild wars release, and, until he joined our guild, had never even been acknowledged as existing by his previous guild, no matter what questions he asked, how many times he asked for help for a mission, or offered it himself, which i think is a bad way for a guild to be run, a guild who helps its members and socialises with its members is more likely to be succesful in general, and to keep its members, by keeping them happy, in my opinion
i seem to have diversified there into sort-of rant territorybut, the point i was trying to make was that the different capes would, mostly, be so that other, non guilded players could tell, at a glance, what rank variou people were in guilds, and so, would know who to ask if they wanted to join a guild
however, i also feel, along these lines, it would help the game if mmbers were able to refer people to guild officers, for potential guild membership, instead of only allowing officers and leaders to do this, i've been told plenty of times by members how they were talking to somebody who wanted to join a guild, and, by the time i'd got online, and sent an invite, another guild had already taken them on
maybe this could be where the idea of an initiate rank could help, members can make people initiates, similar to the referring idea, then, officers can decide wether or not to accept them in, making them members?
and i've gone completely off the point of the original post here, sorry about that, but, i've been awake for 18 hours now, and i've done a 12 hour shift in the middle of that, but, the ideas started coming, and i thought it would be best to just let them out instead of waiting and forgetting them
might also give people a few other ideas to think about, because i'm enjoying this discussion in general, don't know about you lot :P
as a thought though, maybe suggesting armour boosts through capes was the wrong type of example, maybe, as a thought, slight health bonuses instead, something like 10-20-50 extra health, depending on rank in guild
I agree. Please make an option to toggle guild capes.
Another guild cape toggle discussion? Whats the deal today..ahh fine.
I would suggest closing this thread and keeping the discussion (because all the arguments pro/con are in there already) in the other thread:
toggleable capes = good idea!
I like my cape, but sometimes it would be convenient to be able to toggle it off - especially for getting screenshots.
As for nicer capes for officers/leader.... it would lead to even more persons founding "one person guilds" because they want to look cool. I dunno....
I like my cape, but sometimes it would be convenient to be able to toggle it off - especially for getting screenshots.
As for nicer capes for officers/leader.... it would lead to even more persons founding "one person guilds" because they want to look cool. I dunno....