Question about energy stats of the ranger


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

I'm planning to plays as a ranger as my primary. Rangers have low energy. Is there a way i can boost it w/o special armor that give '+ whatever energy', like subbing elementist to get good energy?

Because i think the reason why the elementist gets so much energy is because of their primary attribute, Energy Storage. Which means i don't get the energy boost that i want from subbing elementist.

Do i have to sub-mesmer to steal energy from enemies?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


well rangers do have expertise
which lowers the cost of your attack, traps and preparations skills
every point in expertise reduces the cost of ranger skills by 4%


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Its not all Ranger skills, its attack, traps and preparations only.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Originally Posted by worthless
well rangers do have expertise
Yes, they do.

which lowers the cost of your spells to cast
No, it doesn't.

butit only applies to ranger skills
That's not true either.

every point in expertise reduces the cost of ranger skills by 4%
What expertise does is lower the energy cost of attack skills, preparations, traps, shouts, and stances (did I miss anything) by 4% per point of expertise. It does not affect spells, and it applies to any skill of the appropriate types listed above, regardless of whether it's a ranger skill or not (so, for example, expertise will lower the energy cost of a sword attack skill, even though it's a not a ranger skill).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


my bad, i was using spells and skill interchangably
there i fixed my orriginal post hope its accurate now


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

so is there no way to improve the ranger's energy stat? not even subbing elementist?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

ok, i'll take that as a strong no. So here is a related question.

What would be better for energy-wise for ranger skills:

Ranger with maxed out Expertise


Elementist sub ranger with maxed out Energy Storage?



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

Originally Posted by GaroadRan
I'm planning to plays as a ranger as my primary. Rangers have low energy. Is there a way i can boost it w/o special armor that give '+ whatever energy', like subbing elementist to get good energy?

Because i think the reason why the elementist gets so much energy is because of their primary attribute, Energy Storage. Which means i don't get the energy boost that i want from subbing elementist.

Do i have to sub-mesmer to steal energy from enemies?
Rangers have a reletively limited supply of energy, but if you are using mostly ranger-only skills such as the many traps, preps, bow attacks, and whatnot, this isn't a big deal because they are reduced a lot by expertise.
the problem comes along when you go "hmm! I think i'll use Rodgorts Invocation! wee". well, that's fine, but you won't have any energy left over. the best way to keep the energy flowing? Well, you should try using the Druid's Armour for a start, but if that's still not enough, then you could always use a focus. but then you can't use your bow. so the best solution is to use skills that give you energy. Marksman's Wager is good for this as well as Storm Chaser (if you have good enough luck to become a primary ele target. hehe). and mesmer of course if you know how to use inspiration magic well.

just don't go for high energy spells from your secondary class and you should be able to find ways around it.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

Thanks for the tips. I have only played the last beta. And i liked playing as a ranger but realize that i'm always running low on energy. So i was hoping to get the benefits of Energy Storage and Expertise.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

wherever the winds take me


If you're new (low level) and you're not sure what to use, treat your skills something like this until you get your attributes up a bit. It works pretty well.

Obviously you will need a few points in marksmanship first to get some more damage to your shots, so put your first couple points there. After that...if you can spare a point in expertise, do so. Concentrate mostly on your low cost skills for everyday use. (5-10 energy a skill use) In the beginning it will help you pick up how to manage your cost a bit without crippling you for using one or two skills. After you get a 3-5 points in expertise and your marksmanship is somewhere around 7 or so, you will start to notice the decrease in cost. Don't be afraid to experiment with the limits on it. It will help you gauge the lowering costs. Use your 15+ energy skills SPARINGLY until you get hang of your management. Afterwards, you will begin to see a pattern forming in how your skills affect your energy store. Probably around mid game you will be able to be almost freeflowing with your energy usage then because between your understanding of how to manage the costa and the actual costs of them will get to be secondhand to you.
Then start pulling in a couple high energy skills more frquently. It won't seem so bad then.

(by the way, there are a lot of ranger skills using only 5-10 energy that after a few points in expertise become quite repeatable without you ever losing your pool to them, just got to learn where the balance and timing fall into place for you)

good luck to you