Help with removing runes.
Darian Talaviir
I picked up a purple unidentified staff this evening and when I identified it, I got the message that I unlocked a specific staff head AND a specific staff wrapping. I got my expert salvage kit and removed the staff head but NO staff wrapping appeared. Shouldn't I have received the wrapping as well since I received both messages? Thanks.
Nope...'unlocked' doesn't mean you get them automatically inventory-wise - just means you can use them when you create a PvP character AND you have a good chance of getting one of 'em from that item using a salvage kit.
I've unlocked items and gotten only the crafting material when I salvaged the item, before. Just random, I guess.
I've unlocked items and gotten only the crafting material when I salvaged the item, before. Just random, I guess.
Darian Talaviir
So you can't unlock both in pve, only one at a time? I successfully removed the staff head and thought that the wrapping would be removed as well, since they were both unlocked in pvp. So normally when I get a staff w/ a rune, I will only either get the staff head OR the staff wrapping, but not both? Thanks
Corrent, salvaging an item will only ever give you a single type of item in return, be it 1 or more of the same type of basic component (eg iron ingots), a rune (armor) or a weapon upgrade.