Right now, its totally impossible now for me to play, earlier this evening I was getting these errors every 15 - 20 minutes, now I just can't connect at all, constant err-7 yet my internet is running perfectly, HL2 online is perfect.
First time since I started playing on the BWE have I had such problems, whatever upgrade/patch has caused serious problems, since it was working perfectly for me yesterday.
I contacted support hopefully with some information that may 'enlighten' us, however this got me thinking, Err=7 is simply, too many people playing Guild Wars, the servers cannot handle the sheer amount of traffic.
Think about it, you're not paying a monthly fee unlike other online games, what does this fee pay for? Wages? Partially paying for support, but you're mostly paying for the servers, servers are vastly expensive and you honestly think Arena Net will pay vast fortune of its profits to support enough servers so everyone can play? Just enter the game (if you are lucky enough right now) and look around, many districts filled to capacity, go to other zones such as Barradins Estate, its a tiny zone and its filled to breaking point with people, also if you search all the threads on err=7, people have done every test possible on there computers and bombarded there ISPs with calls asking them to check the lines, all these all come back saying everything is fine.
Logically, this must be a server side problem. How many people playing Diablo 2 online when it first came out? I did, and I can tell you it had way more connectivity problems than this ever did and it took Blizzard months to fix and many people just simply gave up, D2 had one big difference and a saving grace that it could be playing offline, Guild Wars doesn't have that luxury so this err=7 problem should be put at the top of the priorty for fixing.