I've experiance a lot of lag since the last patch....howver, on halfscreen (which I hate) i don't experiance a problem, only on full screen....Anyone else have this problem, and can anyone offer suggestions?
Originally Posted by magic1
I've also been experiencing some lag and rubberbanding. I have 2GB RAM, so what do you want to blame it on now? I can still play though, so I haven't been concerned.
Irrish, have you looked through the posts in the Technician's Corner? Maybe there's a solution there.
Stop downloading stuff while playin..... I NEVER got ANY lag as long as I didn't run programs in the background..
Originally Posted by Taranis
A lot of people are experiencing rubberbanding lately. One of my friends connects to everything at a ridiculous speed for cable in our area (he downloads from Steam at over 2MB/sec while I get about 1MB/sec), yet he is getting lag and rubberbanding on Guild Wars.
You could try calling your ISP to test your line. Also, check all your ethernet wiring and whatnot in your house. Try the Technician's Corner for more help. Sift through the threads there and see if you can find people with similar problems to yours and what they did about it.