¥ Community Guild War Suggestions (Publication #1) ¥



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Georgia, USA



Community Guild War Suggestions (Publication #1)

Dear GW Developers:

Elemental Weapons Visual Effects:
It took me a rather long time to find a sword that did lightning damage. When I finally found one I was pretty excited because I finally had the last weapon that I wanted. Well, it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be like. When I attack it looks the exact same and has no special effect or anything more damaging to enemies. You think spending this much time finding an elemental weapon would pay off. It's really no different than a regular weapon. I guess I was expecting it to be like Diablo, but I must accept the fact that this game isn’t Diablo to the full extent.

So I am just suggesting later on if something could be added into an update that would give elemental weapons some extra attack effect. Like lightning damage would create a little shock effect when you hit enemies or if you can’t do that just make the regular attack effect change color to blue or something. Ice would be white and earth would be a brownish color.

Toggle for Capes
Allow users to toggle on capes. Simple as that.

Toggle for Player Stats / LFG
Can you put in a toggle key to allow us to turn OFF the TEXT
(Class/Level) over player heads in towns?

I play alot of solo / henchmen and really hate seeing all this text. When
I entered the city in the beggining there was no text and it really kept the
feeling of a town and realism. Now all we see are numbers and text
everywhere and it really ruins from the mood of the game. I want to look at the town and walk around... take in the visuals... and not see all the M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 M/H3 E/M2 M/R2 all over the place. I cannot enjoy going to ANY towns now and see the atmosphere... at least allow us to toggle off this text please.

It would be so nice to be able to walk into a new town and see it for all is glory and not all the text floating over everyones player.

LFG Chat Channel
A specific channel (similar to Team and Trade) just for LFGers… Looking for Group people who want a quest. Text will be a unique color (green maybe?). This should help people wanting to quest to meet others instead of mixing up the chat in the main channel.

One on One Gladiator Arenas
Please add in 1 on 1 gladitorial arena. Allow players to go to a queue when signed up... where players of the same level are matched together. If there are no other players of the same level, allow users to be able to vote if they want to fight against someone higher or lower than their level, but both must accept the challenge (like Trading works).

Also allow betting... allow a ranged betting or fee entry system. Player levels 1-5 allow up to 100gp, 5-10 allow 250gp, 10-15 allow 500gp, 15-20 allow 750gp, and 20+ allow 1000gp betting. Players can bet up to this much if they want... This is an incentive now to PvP and gain some gold also.

PvP team mode is frantic and needs more adjustment but 1 on 1 solo arena would be so nice... especially allowing a short time for players to adjust their skill sets at the beginning of the round... add in various traps to the areas... you really really could open this part WAY up... imagine the challenges and depth this could have?

Auctionhouse or Tradehouse
The way I see it, an auction house does one of several things. Firstly, it tends to focus the hawkers and the people selling stuff in one easy location. Not only that, but it creates a centralized system for bartering and trading... An auctionhouse provides an essential medium for buyers and sellers to exchange goods, and get the best price available.

More Rare Parts for Items
Add in a lot of new bonus and or penalties. Right now there are under 20 unique modifiers for weapon types per class. It would be nice if it was tripled.

More looting rules
There should be an easy way, possibly a hotkey,for a user to indicate that they don't want to loot something that has been assigned to them. This would then release the item for anyone to pick up. More looting options would be nice as well... wands and staves shouldn't be assigned to warriors, and giant battle hammers shouldn't be assigned to mesmers. The whole looting system doesn't take into account your profession... and if it did, everyone profession would get the stuff they could use best.

Temporary protection after ressurection
Every so often, you die in a place that is swamped with creatures, and even if your teammates manage to get up there and ressurect you, you are usually killed instantly. It would be nice if you could have a 5 or 7 second period of immunity directly after your are ressurected... during that time you could fall back to a safer spot. I know someone might figure a way to abuse this, but it's definitely annoying when you die in the middle of a giant mob and can't get away to safety without dying instantly.

Guild Additions Needed
1. the Guards that are there in GvG should always be there, makes the place seem much more liek your home base with gaurds and all (maybe have them wear the Guilds Cape too) or could make it a buyable extra that guilds can buy a set of guards for Non-Guild Battles, and have a say a few different sets, like White Mantle, Asclon and so on.

2. The Red Banners should display the Guilds Logo insted (again could be made a buyable thing)

3. a Storage NPC, gets annoying when your chatting in the hall, find you have soemthing a friend whats and have to port to a town to get it (again could be made into a money sink)

4. Allow for Automatic Unrated Games, saves having to track down another guild that wants to do it, just have the game look for another team wanting a Unranked GvG match

Examine other players
It would be nifty if you could examine people's equipment, and see what they're using.

AI Controls for Henchmen / Pets
A new flyout menu that is just for AI control as follows –

- Attack (Selected Enemy Target)
Will attack any selected target. Will be grayed out if there is no target selected.

- Defend (Selected Friendly Target)
Will defend any selected target. Will be grayed out if there is no target selected.

- Go Offensive (Group)
Sets party to go offensive to closest enemies in 1.5x aggro range. AI should
focus greater attention on attacking enemy Monks (primarily), Mezmers, Necromancers and Elementalists (Secondary) over Warriors and Rangers (Lowest Priority). Each AI will choose their own target if possible.

- Go Defensive (Group)
Sets party to go defensive AI should defend all Monks (primarily), Mesmers, Necromancers and Elementalists (Secondary) over Warriors and Rangers (Lowest Priority). Each AI
will cast healing spells as needed for anyone in the party as needed.

- Follow Me (Selected Target)
Will tell the select Target to specifically follow you. Will override any previous “Stay Here” command previously set for this AI.

- Follow Me (Group)
Will tell the entire AI party to specifically follow you. Will override any previous “Stay Here” command previously set for all AI.

- Stay Here (Selected Target)
Will tell the select Target to specifically stop and defend. Will override any previous “Follow Me” or default follow commands previously set for this AI. AI
will defend if attacked or enemies get in aggro range.

- Stay Here (Group)
Will tell the AI group to specifically stop and defend. Will override any previous “Follow Me” or default follow commands previously set for group AI. AI will defend if attacked or enemies get in aggro range.

- Run Away! (Group)
Will tell the AI group to specifically run away from all enemies. AI will attempt to follow tracks back to beginning of mission start. AI will attempt to stop and heal weakened party members below 25% health. If dead AI party members exist, remaining AI party members will attempt resurrection on them only if they are nearby and the area is clear of enemies, otherwise the AI will continue to run away as directed. AI party will get a default hidden “sprint” bonus of 5 seconds when this command is selected.

Player Level / Class Shown on Login Player Select Screen
When selecting the initial player to choose to play when you login, it would be nice to see level and class also. This will help when deleting characters also.

Character Inventory Menu / Weapon and Armor Stats
When arming various armor, shields, and weapons, the player does not truely know what his attack values are or the base total armor ratings are. You are allowed to use weapons and armor beyond your current skill requirements and may truley be hurting yourself more than gaining any benefit. Simple changes to the inventory menu would reflect these stats and would help so much when changing weapons and armor on the fly and seeing the true ratings on the screen. Here is a sample... if I arm a bow, then it shows the base attack damage. This is a pure bow I can use, but if I arm a special bow with a requirement of (Markmanship of 10) and I only have 5, therefor would I get a -50% reduction in attack damage? If so this should show in the stat field.

The reason needed for weapon damage stats... You can easily equip a weapon that is WELL BEYOND your current stats (ie - you have a 5 in swordmanship but the sword requires 10), therefore you are going to get penalized... it would be nice to see if you are going to be using this weapon at a greatly dampened state...therefor what your true damage would be (not the original damage, but the real damage that you are going to get using a weapon that is beyond your means). This is the reasoning. I want to know if that 15-20 damage hammer isn't going to really give me that damage and only truely give me 12-18 damage since my stats are not high enough for the weapon. Every class has this... it would help determine true damage when using non compliant stat requirement weapons.

The same goes for armor... granted I know that armor completely works on a magnificent formula and is very complex. Why the simple auto sum of all the armor to get a grand total and show this? Simple... you can easily see you "total armor defense ratings". Overall adding them all up, mathematically will not get you an accurate figure to determine hit vs damage... but it will give you a sole scale rating of "how much armor you have total". Therefor wearing no armor gets you ZERO total. Add in a chestplate of 35 defense and then you get a total of 35. Add on armor boots of 35, then you total is 70. Simple... It does NOT represent your armor per body section... just a simple total to see if certain stat requirement armor is giving you any effect or dampened usefulness. Thats it. The biggest complaint I have right now is that I am a warrior/monk (yeah so is everyone else lol) and like to use shields. If I equip a shield within my stat requirements, I assume I am getting the full effect of the shield...(example: 5 defense (no requirements). But if I equip a shield of 10 with requirements of tactics 5, which my tactics is 1, can you tell me what defense rating if any, I am getting equiping this shield? Is is ZERO? Is it on a sliding scale... 1/5 out of 10? Does anyone know? That is the reasoning behind the request. Everyone can "overequip" armor also, and this would show everyone they are getting partial effectiveness or no effectiveness over using said armor.

Another thing on having the weapon damage shown is that you don't have to hove mouse over your weapon just to see what damage you are doing on your weapon...lol... lazy me.. yes.... You can change weapons quickly and see the default damage shown right on the screen and not have to look at the weapon also...


More Weapons
Spears and polearms. Honestly, the lack of weapon variety in this game is, well, sad. It's utterly silly (but not surprising) that this game lacks spears. I do realize adding spears/polearms would need a new class, or an added attribute to the warrior (or ranger) class, but I think it would be pretty nice. 2h Swords and 2h axes would be nice as well.

Find Player and Trade
A way to right click on a player from the chat window and have the option to trade with him/her directly instead of having to press Ctrl and look around among the sometime 100 (moving) players to find him or her. clicking ppl's names while in chat should "select" them as well so we can trade or party them (instead of just putting their name in the whisper menu)

Fix the Target Calling Option
PUT BACK IN THE "T" OPTION FOR TARGET CALLING! I remember they had this during the beta events where other party members could press T to lock onto the enemy after you had called them out (i.e. "I am attacking _____. Press "t" to attack." It was very helpful, especially when I team up with a lot of rangers

Show Dyed Items in Game (Not only in Inventory)
What is the point of customization if other players can’t see your dyed swords or shields etc?

More Dungeons
More dungeons… dark and deep and scary. Less mobs but tougher solo enemies. More traps.

New Class Specific Specialties

Warrior Primary Class Specialty (Allow Dual Welding as a new Attribute or Skill)

Ranger Primary Class Specialty (Allow Exotic Beasts as a new Attribute or Skill)

Monk Primary Class Specialty (Allow Divine Atonement as a new Attribute or Skill)

Necromancer Primary Class (Allow Divine Bane as a new Attribute or Skill)

Mezmer Primary Class (Allow Familiar Pets which cannot attack enemies)

Elementalist Primary Class (Allow Familiar Pets which cannot attack enemies)

Duel Wielding allows players to use a 2nd single handed weapon in their “off hand” instead of a shield or focus. Players will get a -25% penalty on damage and attack on this weapon.

Exotic Beasts allows players to hunt down and befriend ultra rare exotic beasts to use as pets. These pets have rare special abilities such as “Freezing” a target for 15 seconds (10% chance), 25% chance of causing Deep Wounds/Bleeding, granting the player +1 health regeneration, stoning an enemy target for 15 seconds (10% chance), or even the ultra deadly Instant Death (1% chance) etc.

Divine Atonement allows players to automatically be granted a gods favor benefit. Player will instantly get +10 % bonus to healing/death and spell casting speeds. Player will also grant entire party the “Favor of the Gods” effect if their god is in favor during a mission. The player will have to pick one of the gods to be their selected one. . Player is also granted -25% weakness and -25% bleeding damage reduction.

Divine Bane allows players to automatically be granted a gods favor benefit. Player will instantly get +10 % bonus to death and spell casting speeds. Player will also grant entire party the “Favor of the Gods” effect if their god is in favor during a mission. The player will have to pick one of the gods to be their selected one. Player is also granted -50% poison damage reduction.

Familiar Pets allow players to choose from many new unique familiars that will enhance their abilities. Familars will show up during games as hovering or nearby pets. Familiars cannot be killed nor targeted. Familars allow players bonus such as +15 % speed on running, +10% chance on avoiding physical blows, 10% chance of causing Mana Searing to Enemies (additional damage 1-50), or even +1 Energy Regeneration

Guild Wars is a fantastic game... we all hope for future changes and additions to come! Keep up the great work!!!!



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by Prowlinger
Community Guild War Suggestions (Publication #1)
Dear lord, he's planning future issues...

Look, if the suggestions have already been made, which most of these are, just comment in those threads. Nobody wants to read a huge list of demands anyway, and 90% of these have multiple threads about them.

Originally Posted by Prowlinger
Temporary protection after ressurection
Every so often, you die in a place that is swamped with creatures, and even if your teammates manage to get up there and ressurect you, you are usually killed instantly. It would be nice if you could have a 5 or 7 second period of immunity directly after your are ressurected... during that time you could fall back to a safer spot. I know someone might figure a way to abuse this, but it's definitely annoying when you die in the middle of a giant mob and can't get away to safety without dying instantly.
If your team can't get them off you then you deserve the deaths. My team won't res me in a fight unless they can keep me safe, and our monk carries rebirth on missions to rescue folks under mobs. Noobing it up is bad.

The rest of your suggestions are all pretty much repetitions of already existing suggestions.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Georgia, USA



Ok does make sense

Prince Daniel

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

As mentioned these suggestions have been mentioned aswell as many others but i appreciate your efforts, i mean i just couldnt be bothered to write all that


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere, Nowhere

Sith Overlords[SO]


All of these need to be added, either patched or in a expansion. Keep this up. I look forward to the next issue!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005



Fix the Target Calling Option
PUT BACK IN THE "T" OPTION FOR TARGET CALLING! I remember they had this during the beta events where other party members could press T to lock onto the enemy after you had called them out (i.e. "I am attacking _____. Press "t" to attack." It was very helpful, especially when I team up with a lot of rangers
its still in there it just doesnt say it if someone ctrl targets something if you press "T" it will target it for you


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere, Nowhere

Sith Overlords[SO]


Yeah, but it doesn't have the message "I am attacking _____. Press "t" to attack." So people don't know how to assist unless they actaully read the manual.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

USA/Near Chicago

The Divine Darkness <TDDG>


The original post is so long winded I didn't even bother to read most of it. Personally, I hope that you don't continue to make posts like that in future. Obviously, you have way too much free time to be making suggestions that large! lol

Phantom Force

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

New York


Excellent job on post. Although people have created threads and stated many of the ideas already its good to see more people are thinking the same things and want to provide suggestions for devs. I've posted many ideas I've had some people sit there and complain about how it's already been posted DO SEARCH NEXT TIME. Well whatever don't bother with those types. If they are going to take the time to read it then complain, it's their problem not yours. I'll keep creating new posts if it is important. I think that the more devs see that players want certain things, the more likely we are to get it. Keep up the good work.

Originally Posted by johnnylange
The original post is so long winded I didn't even bother to read most of it. Personally, I hope that you don't continue to make posts like that in future. Obviously, you have way too much free time to be making suggestions that large! lol
*** Secondly just because some thinks out a post and what they want to say doesn't mean they've spent hours of research and time writing it. Many times I only post when I'm not at home and I can't play. If I'm playing I can't post or don't want to take the time to. It's usually while I'm at work or have some extra time here or there.***


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

GREAT POST I AGREE 100% A.NET GOT WORK TO DO also here is my bit on it ARENA NET HEAR MY CALL!!! Auction House is a MUST if there isn't an auction house within a month of this post the GW economy will fold up and wither. I most certainly hope that the trade channel was just a temporary fix because it isn't working very well and a auction house is a must. The Towns Need to be more alive with buildings u can enter like WoW's. Places to sit and hang with friends and just chill. The Guild Halls also need a place to sit and chill cuz they are just like a map not really a hall because they have no place to sit and interact with the map. Guild Storage and Guild Bank/Tax would be nice. I was extremely hyped for this game and not to say that I am disappointed but to say that it got old faster than i had hoped. A month last thursday and I have been considering buying WoW which i never would have EVER considered before. Please Somebody Do SOMETHING about this I don't know if GW can stand it much longer. Basically if these things were improved this game would be 50-100% better just because of the pollish it lacks and other games it competes with have. This is constructive critizsm
1. Auction House
2. Town Interactivity/ Buildings Shops(Not just people standing around)
3. Guild Hall Interactivity (Places to actually sit like click on chair and sit in it and indoor place to meet instead of on a battleground like area)
4. Guild Storage(Normal Storage person in guild halls or a actual shared guild storage)