Lag when HoH is posted?
I'm on a 56k dial-up and when I get "spammed" or more friendly put "posted" about the Hall Of Heros winner my comp just lags. Game runs fine other than immediately prior to or just after these "post" listings. Dosen't matter if I am in town or in my own instanced map. My char will freeze for a few seconds unable to attack or move then HoH post and bam everything hits fastforward there will be like ten or so -1 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 hits all at the same time over my char while the monster I'm fighting will collapse and there are also some ten or so -10 -12 -10 -12 -10 floating on the same line above the monsters corpse. Or I'll be running and just stop one two secs later HoH post hits and bam Ive teleported across the landscape generally into a wall or object. The really annoying part is finding myself at a resurrection point because of this. Am I alone or is this part of the game? Why does this only happen during a HoH post? any help is appreciated. and prior to any "upgrade your connection to DSL or Broadband" suggestions. I can't. It isn't possible where I live. Dial-up is my only option unless I get some $80,000 for my private T1 server. I don't think that is realistic.
Other people have reported similar symptoms. I'm not sure why, maybe because they are doing a push out to every user simultaneously. I had this occur just as you stated when my old card was overheating and "lagging" pretty frequently. However, on my new video card, the HoH messages don't make me pause 95% of the time. So, sorry, not a real solution, but there is something to that HoH blast that is funky.