Mesmer Epidemic skill
Ok so I thought this skill would be really cool since it would be like a mass curse. However I can't find a single hex that spreads when i use it (yes I had the monsters close together.. and little sparkles surrounded them) I even tried with bleed, didn't get that to work either. Does it only work with conditions such as blind or weak? Or am I doing something wrong? Because if I could get hex's like life siphon to spread that would be awesome.

It works with all Conditions, bear in mind that Hexes != Conditions. Life Siphon is a hex and it will never work with Epidemic. Conditions include: On Fire, Blind, Dazed, Bleeding, Diseased, Poisoned, Deep Wound, and Crippled. I may have missed on, but this is most at least. I can't remember the order that you have to cast in for certain, but I believe that you have to cast Epidemic on the target while its suffering from the Conditions you want to spread. Why it didn't seem to work on bleeding is _probably_ because the condition wore off while you were casting, however it _could_ be a bug, test some more with true Conditions and if its not working properly report it.
also its not that good of a skill because it doesnt reset the timer for the condition. so if it says bleed for 10 secs and you use epidemic 5 secs into it the other people will bleed for the 5 not the 10
Good deal thanks for the info... then why, might I ask, do some people rave about Me/N.. Or perhaps I was talking to the wrong people
It seems to me that the Mesmer class has almost no direct damage skills... they are mostly geared at making enemies weak so they are killed off more easily. I love my necro, but without corpses she isn't very good (being mostly death magic based) So it would seem being a necro elementalist would be more effective (block other casters while nuking them) Again I'm pretty new at this game so perhaps I just haven't unlocked the good skills yet
Perhaps Mesmer Necros use blood magic more than death since it's direct damage?